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The Right Ventricle-You May Forget It, But It Will Not Forget You

机译:右心室 - 你可能会忘记它,但它不会忘记你

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Right ventricular (RV) dysfunction and failure are common and often overlooked causes of perioperative deterioration and adverse outcomes. Due to its unique pathophysiologic underpinnings, RV failure often does not respond to typical therapeutic measures such as volume resuscitation and often worsens when therapy is escalated and mechanical ventilation is begun, with a danger of irreversible cardiovascular collapse and death. The single most important factor in improving outcomes in the context of RV failure is anticipating and recognizing it. Once established, a vicious circle of systemic hypotension, and RV ischemia and dilation is set in motion, rapidly spiraling down into a state of shock culminating in multi-organ failure and ultimately death. Therapy of RV failure must focus on rapidly reestablishing RV coronary perfusion, lowering pulmonary vascular resistance and optimizing volemia. In parallel, underlying reversible causes should be sought and if possible treated. In all stages of diagnostics and therapy, echocardiography plays a central role. In severe cases of RV dysfunction there remains a role for the use of the pulmonary artery catheter. When these mostly simple measures are undertaken in a timely fashion, the spiral of death of RV failure can often be broken or even prevented altogether.
机译:右心室(RV)功能障碍和失败是常见的,并且通常忽视围手术期恶化和不良结果的原因。由于其独特的病理生理基础,RV失败往往不会响应典型的治疗措施,例如体积复苏,并且当治疗被升级并且开始机械通风时常常恶化,具有不可逆的心血管塌陷和死亡。在RV失败的背景下改善结果的单一最重要因素预期并识别出来。一旦建立,体育间质量低血压和RV缺血和扩张的恶性循环就会出现,迅速螺旋化为震动状态,最终在多器官衰竭和最终死亡。 RV失效的治疗必须集中在快速重新建立RV冠状动脉灌注,降低肺血管阻力和优化挥发血症。同时,应寻求潜在的可逆原因,如果可能的话。在诊断和治疗的所有阶段,超声心动图起着核心作用。在严重的RV功能障碍的情况下,仍然存在使用肺动脉导管的作用。当这些大多数简单的措施及时进行时,RV失效的死亡螺旋通常可以被破坏甚至完全阻止。



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