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Supplemental Use of Complementary Alternative Medicine for the Treatment of Schizophrenia


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Through a variety of mechanisms, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), ascorbic acid, and folate have been proposed as beneficial supplements in the treatment of schizophrenia. Although data are conflicting regarding the potential for any of these supplements to improve symptoms, current studies suggest that PUFAs may be potentially beneficial for younger patients at high risk of developing schizophrenia, or those experiencing their first episode. Similarly, benefit of folate supplementation may be most significant for patients with certain genetic variants in enzymes critical for folate metabolism. At doses used in clinical studies with schizophrenia populations, these complementary alternative medications have been found to be generally safe and may be considered as adjunctive agents to traditional therapy for interested patients.
机译:通过各种机制,已经提出了多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),抗坏血酸和叶酸作为精神分裂症治疗的有益补充。 虽然数据对任何这些补充剂的可能性相互矛盾,但目前的研究表明,Pufas可能对开发精神分裂症的高风险或经历其第一集的人来说可能是有益的。 类似地,对于叶酸叶子代谢至关重要的某些遗传变体的患者,叶酸补充剂的益处可能对叶酸代谢至关重要的患者可能是最重要的。 在具有精神分裂症群体的临床研究中使用的剂量,已发现这些互补的替代药物通常是安全的,并且可以被认为是感兴趣患者的传统治疗的辅助剂。



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