首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Tobacco and nicotine delivery product use in a US national sample of women of reproductive age

Tobacco and nicotine delivery product use in a US national sample of women of reproductive age


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This study examined prevalence and correlates of using cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and other tobacco/nicotine delivery products in a U.S. national sample of women of reproductive age. Weighted data were obtained from women aged 15-44 years who were not currently pregnant in the first wave of the Population Assessment of Health and Tobacco (PATH, 2013-2014) study (N = 12,848). 20.1% of women were current cigarette smokers, 5.9% current e-cigarette users, 4.9% current cigar smokers, and 6.5% current hookah users. Prevalence of current use of other tobacco products was 1.0%. Current cigarette smoking was the strongest correlate of current e-cigarette use (OR = 65.7, 95% CI = 44.8-96.5), cigar smoking (OR = 19.2, 95% CI = 14.1-26.1), and hookah use (OR = 6.6, 95% CI = 5.1-8.5). Among former cigarette smokers, 3.8%, 6.9%, and 3.2% were also currently using e-cigarettes, hookah, and cigars, respectively. Use of other tobacco and nicotine delivery products was low among those who never smoked tobacco cigarettes: 2.5% used hookah and 1.0% used other products. Cigarette smoking prevalence remains relatively high among women of reproductive age and strongly correlated with use of other tobacco products. Monitoring tobacco and nicotine use in this population is important due to the additional risk of adverse health impacts should they become pregnant. Clinicians working with cigarette smokers should assess for use of other tobacco products. Among women of reproductive age, use of emerging tobacco and nicotine products appears to be largely, although not exclusively, restricted to current cigarette smokers.
机译:本研究检测了在美国妇女的美国妇女样本中使用香烟,电子烟和其他烟草/尼古丁递送产品的患病率和相关性。加权数据来自15-44岁的女性,目前尚未怀孕的卫生和烟草的第一波浪潮(2013-2014路径)研究(n = 12,848)。 20.1%的女性是目前的卷烟吸烟者,当前的电子烟用户5.9%,目前的雪茄吸烟者4.9%,目前的雪茄吸烟者有6.5%。当前使用其他烟草产物的患病率为LT; 1.0%。目前的卷烟吸烟是当前电子烟的最强相关性(或= 65.7,95%CI = 44.8-96.5),雪茄吸烟(或= 19.2,95%CI = 14.1-26.1),以及水烟(或= 6.6) ,95%CI = 5.1-8.5))。在前的卷烟吸烟者中,3.8%,6.9%和3.2%目前也分别使用电子香烟,水烟和雪茄。使用其他烟草和尼古丁交付产品在从未吸烟的人中较低:2.5%使用的水烟和& 1.0%使用其他产品。在生殖年龄的女性中,吸烟患病率仍然相对较高,与其他烟草产品的使用强烈相关。由于他们应该怀孕,监测烟草和尼古丁在本次数中的使用是重要的,因为它们会怀孕。使用香烟吸烟者的临床医生应评估其他烟草产品的使用。在生殖年龄的妇女中,虽然没有专门的,但似乎不仅限于目前的卷烟吸烟者,但仍然很大程度上似乎很大程度上。



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