
Breast cancer screening: commentary and conclusions.


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None of the authors of this collection of invited papers on Breast Cancer Screening have seriously challenged the conclusion of the US Preventive Services Task Force (2009) that screening mammography should not be offered routinely to women age 40-49, and that it should be offered no more frequently than biennially to older women.However, several aspects of my questions (as listed in the Introduction) were not specifically addressed. Thus my question 1 ("Have all the concerns raised by some of the critics of the trials of breast cancer screening been adequately addressed by re-analyses that answer these concerns?") did not elicit any comment. I suspect this is because the response is largely in the negative. For example, in a recent update of the Swedish Two-County trial - where only three screens were used and then screening was offered to the controls - the authors simply ignored previous criticisms of their trial (Tabar et al., 2011). The report, published after any of the authors could have accessed it, shows a widening effect of mammography screening with time in this cluster-randomized trial and suggests that a basic imbalance between the groups was responsible for most if not all of the effect claimed for mammography screening.
机译:这篇关于乳腺癌筛查的这份邀请纸的作者都没有严重挑战美国预防服务的结论(2009),不应常规向第40-49岁时常规提供筛查乳房X线照相术,并且应该提供不常见于年度对年长的女性。但是,我的问题的若干方面(如引言中列出的)没有明确解决。因此,我的问题1(“对乳腺癌筛查试验的一些批评者提出的所有担忧都得到了解这些问题的重新分析,并不引起任何评论。我怀疑这是因为响应在很大程度上是消极的。例如,在最近更新瑞典的两县试验中 - 只使用三个屏幕然后向控件提供筛选 - 作者只是忽视了对他们的试验之前的批评(Tabar等,2011)。在任何作者之后发布的报告可以访问它,显示乳房X线摄影筛选随着时间的推移,在这个集群随机试验中,暗示组之间的基本不平衡对于大多数人负责,如果不是所有的效果索赔乳房X线摄影筛选。



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