首页> 外文期刊>Plasmonics >The Infrared (Far Terahertz) Generation by Nonlinear Interactions of Two Visible Laser Beams in a Metallic Background: Infrared Surface Plasmon Effect

The Infrared (Far Terahertz) Generation by Nonlinear Interactions of Two Visible Laser Beams in a Metallic Background: Infrared Surface Plasmon Effect


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This paper presents an investigation of infrared (IR) radiation generation by nonlinear interaction of two visible laser beams in a metallic background. Two laser beams of Gaussian and Laguerre Gaussian (LG) profiles and background metals such as silver, copper, gold, and aluminum are utilized for IR generation. Effects of laser beam characteristics and structural properties of metals on the evolution of IR electric field amplitude are examined. Considering laser frequencies in the non-transparent region give rises to generation of IR surface plasmon (IRSP). An optimized relation is proposed for achieving efficient surface plasmon waves on a metal surface.
机译:本文提出了通过金属背景中的两个可见激光束的非线性相互作用对红外(IR)辐射产生的研究。 用于IR一代,使用两种Laussian和Laguerre高斯(LG)型材和背景金属如银,铜,金和金,铝,如银,铜,金和铝,如白银。 研究了激光束特性和金属结构性能对IR电场幅度的演化的影响。 考虑非透明区域中的激光频率给出IR表面等离子体(IRSP)的产生。 提出了一种优化的关系,用于在金属表面上实现有效的表面等离子体波。



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