首页> 外文期刊>Plasma medicine. >Effects of Nonthermal Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma on Drosophila Development

Effects of Nonthermal Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma on Drosophila Development


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Nonthermal atmospheric-pressure plasma (NTAPP) is known to induce a wide range of responses at the cellular level. This study is concerned with the effects of NTAPP on a eukaryotic organism as a whole: Drosophila melanogaster. Exposure influenced the larval viability and caused an array of traits that can be classified into three major groups: (1) phenotypic anomalies in larvae (such as melanotic masses, melanized and broken trachea, incomplete shedding of the old cuticle during molting), morphological anomalies of pupae (small size, abnormal form, aberrant development, cryptocephalic forms), and developmental anomalies in adults (abnormal formation of wing, legs, and thorax); (2) larval behavior alteration (nonfeeding of first and second instar larvae, premature wandering, running away from food, immature pupae formation); and (3) excessive fat accumulation and lipid oxidation. The majority of the observed traits can be linked to molting and metamorphosis controlled by the endocrine system, in particular with the steroid hormone ecdysone. Results support the hypothesis that the interaction of NTAPP with the membranes of various organs can have a major role in the interruption of normal ecdysogenesis.
机译:已知非热大气压血浆(NTAPP)诱导细胞水平的各种反应。本研究涉及NTAPP对整体的真核生物的影响:果蝇Melanogaster。曝光影响幼虫活力并导致一系列可分为三个主要群体的特征:(1)幼虫(如黑色细胞块,黑色化和破碎的气管,在蜕皮期间,旧角质层的不完全脱落),形态异常蛹(小尺寸,异常,异常,多种发育,密码骨骼形式)和成人的发育异常(翼,腿部和胸部的异常形成); (2)幼虫行为改变(不再和第二龄幼虫,过早徘徊,远离食物,未成熟的蛹形成); (3)过量脂肪累积和脂质氧化。大多数观察到的性状可以与内分泌系统控制的蜕皮和变态相关,特别是与类固醇激素蜕皮酮。结果支持NTAPP与各种器官膜的相互作用的假设可以在正常生态发生的中断中具有重要作用。



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