首页> 外文期刊>Plasma medicine. >Nonthermal Plasma Reduces Water Consumption While Accelerating Arabidopsis thaliana Growth and Fecundity

Nonthermal Plasma Reduces Water Consumption While Accelerating Arabidopsis thaliana Growth and Fecundity


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With climate change and increasing world population, the competition for water available for crop irrigation has increased. The main methods employed to meet the existing food needs are addition of fertilizers to soil and genetic engineering of plants. However, the short- and long-term impacts of these techniques on health and environment are of major concern. The study presented here demonstrates that nonthermal plasma (NTP) treatment of water may address these challenges without the addition of chemicals. Plasma produces a wide variety of metastable radicals, predominantly reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species (ROS, RNS) that have been previously proven to activate plant defense responses and to accelerate growth. In this work, NTP was used to treat deionized water for irrigation of Arabidopsis thaliana plants for 7 weeks. Plasma treatment decreased overall water consumption for irrigation, simultaneously enhancing plant growth and yield. We suggest that the reactive nitrogen species (NO3-N) generated by the plasma is responsible for the increased fecundity of plants.
机译:随着气候变化和世界人口增加,可用于作物灌溉的水竞争增加。用于满足现有食物需求的主要方法是对植物土壤和基因工程的肥料添加肥料。然而,这些关于健康和环境技术的短期和长期影响是主要的关注点。这里提出的研究表明,在没有添加化学物质的情况下,水的非热血浆(NTP)处理可能会解决这些挑战。等离子体产生多种亚稳基,主要是先前被证明激活植物防御反应并加速生长的反应性氧和反应性氮物质(ROS,RNS)。在这项工作中,NTP用于处理拟南芥灌溉的去离子水7周。等离子体处理降低了灌溉的总体耗水量,同时增强了植物生长和产量。我们表明,等离子体产生的反应性氮物质(NO 3-N)负责植物的繁殖力增加。



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