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Specialized pollination by honeybees in Cymbidium dayanum, a fall-winter flowering orchid


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Floral biology and pollination mechanisms of Cymbidium dayanum, an endangered epiphytic orchid, were investigated in south Kyushu, Japan. The flowering period spanned approximately 4 months from fall to winter, with the inflorescences often blooming asynchronously on each plant and individual flowers commonly lasting for a month. The nectarless flowers are self-compatible but cannot autonomously self-pollinate; the orchid needs to attract pollinators by deceit for capsule production. The field observations showed that the flowers were pollinated exclusively by the Japanese honeybee Apis cerana japonica, despite its long flowering period. The worker bees pollinated flowers and/or received the pollinarium on the thorax, while escaping from the labellum chamber. The natural fruit-set ratios at the population level, an estimate of pollination success, varied interannually but were generally low, as the result of infrequent flower visits by honeybee workers owing to the cold winter climate and the lack of a nectar reward. Because most flowers that were artificially pollinated in the winter successfully developed into capsules, the coldness was not considered a direct cause of the low fruit-set ratios. Our results explicitly indicate that the bee pollination niche could be available to temperate plant species even during mid-winter. We inferred advantages for the winter flowering of C. dayanum.
机译:日本南部九州南部南部兰甘蓝蕙兰花蕙兰花卉生物学和授粉机制。开花期从秋季到冬天跨越大约4个月,其中花序通常在每个植物和各个花朵上异步盛开一个月。不锈钢是自相互态的,但不能自主自我授粉;兰花需要通过欺骗胶囊生产来吸引粉碎机。现场观察结果表明,尽管其较长的开花时期,日本蜜蜂Apis Cerana japonica专门授粉。工人用授粉的花朵和/或在胸腔上接受了花粉,同时从凸起的室内逃脱。人口层面的天然果实设定比率,授予授粉成功的估计,持续变化,但通常很低,因为蜜蜂工人由于寒冷的冬季气候和缺乏花蜜奖励而不常见的花卉。因为大多数在冬季人工授粉的大多数花卉成功地发展成胶囊,所以寒冷不被认为是低果实设定比的直接原因。我们的结果明确表明蜂授粉利基可以在冬季期间提供温带植物物种。我们推断了C. Dayanum冬季开花的优势。



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