首页> 外文期刊>Plant and cell physiology >Establishment of an In Vitro Fertilization System in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Establishment of an In Vitro Fertilization System in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

机译:小麦体外施肥体系的建立(Triticum Aestivum L.)

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In vitro fertilization (IVF) systems using isolated gametes have been utilized to dissect post-fertilization events in angiosperms, since the female gametophytes of plants are deeply embedded within ovaries. In addition, IVF systems have been used to produce hybrid and polyploid zygotes. Complete IVF systems have been established in maize and rice, two of three major crop species providing the majority of human energy intake. Among those crop species, gametes of wheat have not been used to establish a complete IVF system successfully. In this study, a wheat IVF system was developed to introduce the advantages of this technology to wheat research. Fusion of gametes was performed via a modified electrofusion method, and the fusion product, a zygote, formed a cell wall and two nucleoli. The first division of zygotes was observed 19-27 h after fusion, and the resulting two-celled embryo developed into 10-20-celled globular-like embryos and multicellular club-shaped embryos by 3 and 7-10 d after fusion, respectively. Such zygotic division profiles were mostly consistent with those in the embryo sac, suggesting that the division profile of IVF-produced early embryos reflects that of early embryos in planta. Although the IVF-produced club-shaped embryos did not develop into differentiated embryos but into compact embryonic calli, fertile plants could be regenerated from the embryonic calli, and the seeds harvested from those plants grew normally into seedlings. The IVF system described here might become an important technique for generating new genotypes of wheat and/or new hybrids as well as for investigating fertilization-induced events in wheat.
机译:使用孤立的配子的体外施肥(IVF)系统已被利用在植物植物中对施用后施用事件进行分析,因为植物的雌性配子体深入嵌入卵巢内。此外,IVF系统已被用于生产杂种和多倍体Zygotes。完整的IVF系统已经在玉米和大米中建立,三种主要作物物种中的两种提供了大多数人能量摄入量。在这些作物种类中,小麦的配子未被用来成功建立完整的IVF系统。在这项研究中,开发了小麦IVF系统,以引入这种技术的优势在小麦研究。通过改性的电融合方法和融合产物,Zygote,形成细胞壁和两个核仁,进行配合。融合后19-27小时观察到Zygotes的第一分,并将所得两种细胞胚胎分别在融合后通过3和7-10d开发成10-20细胞的球状胚胎和多细胞球杆状胚胎。这种Zygotic Divice型材主要与胚囊中的曲线一致,这表明IVF产生的早期胚胎的分裂型材反映了Planta的早期胚胎。虽然IVF制作的球杆状胚胎没有发展到分化的胚胎,但进入紧凑的胚胎愈伤组织中,肥沃的植物可以从胚胎愈伤组织中再生,并且从那些植物中收获的种子通常涌入幼苗。这里描述的IVF系统可能成为生成小麦和/或新杂种的新基因型以及研究小麦的施肥事件的重要技术。



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