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State Garden Shows as a Format for the Development of Small and Medium-sized Towns. The Case of Giessen 2014, Germany

机译:州花园显示为中小型城镇发展的一种格式。 德国Giessen 2014的案例

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State garden shows in Germany are an option that is mainly used in small and medium-sized towns, they seem to be a relatively 'handy' format. They are, however, concerned not only with the development of recreational space but also with built infrastructure, and trigger controversial local discussion about their economic benefits and social costs, with assessments by the actors involved diverging considerably. They are also an indication of a town's planning culture. This paper presents general findings on the over 150 state garden shows that have been held in Germany and a detailed consideration of the 2014 state garden show in Giessen.
机译:德国的国家园林展览会是一个主要用于中小型城镇的选项,它们似乎是相对“方便”的格式。 然而,它们不仅关心娱乐空间的发展,而且还涉及建立基础设施,并引发有争议的本地讨论其经济效益和社会成本,以及演员涉及大大发挥差异的评估。 他们也是一个城镇的规划文化的迹象。 本文提出了在德国举行的150多个国家园林展览会上的一般调查结果,并详细介绍了2014年在Giessen的州园区展。



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