首页> 外文期刊>Physics of particles and nuclei letters >Three-dimensional modeling of genome macroarchitecture on the basis of its structural changes after the action of radiation

Three-dimensional modeling of genome macroarchitecture on the basis of its structural changes after the action of radiation


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At present, after 120 years of theoretical and experimental studies, the problem of the genome macroarchitecture as the highest level of interphase chromosome organization in the nucleus of somatic cells is still open. The problem of spatial organization of interphase chromosomes in the haploid nucleus of germ cells has never been studied. The three-dimensional modeling of spatial organization of part of the haploid genome (the second chromosome) in Drosophila melanogaster mature sperms is performed using mathematical methods and the methods of visualization of macromolecular biostructures. The frequency and arrangement of inversion breaks for 72 structural vg mutants were used as genetic markers under the assumption that both ends of each inversion are brought together and form loops of an appropriate size. For taking into account the spatial proximity and visualization of loop structures of the chromosome, modern methods of three-dimensional modeling with application of splines, Open GL library, Delphi, and Gmax were used. According to the model developed, the whole second chromosome in the nucleus of mature sperms is probably arranged in the form of the megarosette-loop structure, which can be assumed to be the fundamental ordered form of the genome macroarchitecture in haploid germs of higher organisms.



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