首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Drug certainty-response in interview-based studies.

Drug certainty-response in interview-based studies.

机译:基于访谈研究的药物确定性 - 反应。

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PURPOSE: Imperfect recall of exposure timing challenges the ascertainment of medications in interview-based studies. METHODS: We propose an algorithm to classify medication exposure, taking into account recall certainty. The availability of medication use details, including duration of use, start and stop dates, and maternal estimates of how certain they were about these dates, allowed classification of subjects as either likely or possibly exposed in the first trimester of pregnancy. We applied the algorithm to study an association between prenatal tetracycline exposure and risk of congenital heart defects previously reported by the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, using 1993-2008 data from 11,517 subjects in the Slone Epidemiology Center Birth Defects Study. RESULTS: Among women exposed to tetracyclines during pregnancy (n = 58), 50% and 19% were likely and possibly exposed, respectively, in the first trimester, and 31% were exposed outside the first trimester. Compared with non-use during pregnancy, the crude OR for exposure outside the first trimester was 1.0 (95%CI 0.4-2.5), and that for exposed (likely or possibly, combined) in the first trimester was 1.7 (95%CI 0.9-3.2); however, the ORs based on the algorithms were 0.9 (95%CI 0.3-3.0) for possibly exposed and 2.2 (95%CI 1.0-4.6) for likely exposed. CONCLUSIONS: A "certainty-response" (stronger association with higher level of certainty) was found within exposures in the window of etiological interest. Algorithms for exposure classification that incorporate recall certainty may be useful in interview-based studies.
机译:目的:不完美召回曝光时间挑战挑战采访基于访谈中的药物。方法:考虑到召回确定,我们提出了一种对药物曝光进行分类的算法。药物使用细节的可用性,包括使用的持续时间,开始和停止日期,以及母体估算他们如何达到这些日期,允许受试者的分类可能或可能在怀孕的第一个三个月中暴露。我们应用该算法研究产前四环素暴露与先前报道的产前四环素暴露与先天性心脏缺陷的风险,使用1993-2008来自Sline流行病学中心出生缺陷研究的11,517个受试者的数据。结果:在怀孕期间暴露于四环素的女性(n = 58)中,50%和19%的可能性和可能暴露在前三个月,并且在前三个月外暴露31%。与妊娠期间的不使用相比,第一个三三孕夜外的原油或暴露于1.0(95%CI 0.4-2.5),并且在前三个月的暴露(可能或可能的组合)为1.7(95%CI 0.9 -3.2);然而,基于算法的ORS为0.9(95%CI 0.3-3.0),可能暴露,2.2(95%CI 1.0-4.6),可能暴露。结论:在病原兴趣窗口的暴露中,发现了“确定性 - 反应”(具有更高的确定性较高的关联)。曝光分类的算法包含召回确定性可能在基于访谈的研究中有用。



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