首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Spatiotemporal changes in flying insect abundance and their functional diversity as a function of distance to natural habitats in a mass flowering crop

Spatiotemporal changes in flying insect abundance and their functional diversity as a function of distance to natural habitats in a mass flowering crop


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To meet the dietary requirements of a burgeoning human population, the demand for animal-dependent crops continues to grow. To meet the demand, intensive farming practices are used. The gains in food production associated with agricultural intensification may be offset by its detrimental effects on pollinator populations through natural habitat fragmentation and pesticide use. Abundance and species richness of pollinators have been found to decrease with increasing distance to natural habitat in agroecosystems, reducing crop yields. A key aspect of crop pollination lies in the diversity of functional traits (functional diversity, FD) of flower-visitor communities within crop fields. Higher FD allows improved pollination success through complementarity between flower-visitors' morphology, phenology and behaviour. Many studies reported negative effects of increasing distance to natural habitats on the abundance and richness of flower-visitor communities, but the link between FD and natural habitat isolation is less well understood. Also, a more complete understanding of the functional traits of flower visitor communities within crops should consider potential variations through time. Differences in resources availability between seasons are important in tropical areas and could modify ecological responses of flower-visitor communities to isolation. In this study, we surveyed the Hymenoptera and Diptera communities within mango orchards of South Africa using pan traps at 100 m, 200 m and at the maximal distance possible from any natural habitat. We measured the response of insect abundance, wing span and body size as well as functional diversity to habitat isolation during mango flowering (dry season), and during the wet season (after mango fruit harvest). Flying insect abundance decreased with increasing distance to natural habitat during mango flowering, but no effect was detected during the wet season. FD of flying insects declined with increasing distance to natural habitat in both sampling periods. Insects captured during mango flowering were smaller but had higher wing length/body length ratios than those caught during the wet season. This study highlights that mango orchards are more inhospitable for flying insects during mango flowering. This effect might be due to low palatability of mango flowers, or pesticide use in mango fields. In order to maintain a high FD of flower-visiting species, and reduce the detrimental effects of habitat isolation to ultimately ensure better crop pollination, we propose establishment of patches of resource-rich habitats combined with judicious use of pesticides within orchards. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:为了满足蓬勃发展的人口的饮食需求,对依赖动物的农作物的需求持续增长。为了满足需求,采用了集约化耕作方法。与农业集约化有关的粮食生产收益可能会因其自然栖息地破碎和农药使用对授粉媒介种群的有害影响而被抵消。已经发现,随着与生态系统中自然栖息地的距离增加,传粉媒介的丰度和物种丰富度降低,从而降低了作物产量。作物授粉的一个关键方面在于作物田间花访者群落的功能性状(功能多样性,FD)的多样性。较高的FD可以通过花访者的形态,物候和行为之间的互补性来提高授粉成功。许多研究报告说,增加与自然栖息地的距离对花卉观赏者群落的丰度和丰满度带来负面影响,但对自然保护区与自然栖息地隔离之间的联系了解得很少。此外,对农作物内花客社区功能特征的更全面了解应考虑到随时间的潜在变化。季节之间的资源可利用性差异在热带地区很重要,并且可能会改变花访者群落对孤立的生态反应。在这项研究中,我们使用100 m,200 m处的盘形诱集装置,并在距任何自然栖息地的最大距离处调查了南非芒果园中的膜翅目和双翅目群落。我们测量了芒果开花(干旱季节)和湿润季节(芒果果实收获后)对昆虫栖息地隔离的昆虫丰度,翼展和体型以及功能多样性的反应。芒果开花期间,飞行昆虫的丰度随着与自然栖息地距离的增加而降低,但在雨季未发现影响。在两个采样期中,飞行昆虫的FD均随着与自然栖息地距离的增加而下降。芒果开花期间捕获的昆虫比雨季捕获的昆虫小,但翼长/体长比更高。这项研究表明,芒果园在芒果开花时更不适合飞行昆虫。造成这种影响的原因可能是芒果花的适口性差,或芒果田中使用了农药。为了维持较高的访花物种FD,并减少栖息地隔离的有害影响以最终确保更好的农作物授粉,我们建议在果园中建立资源丰富的栖息地斑块,并结合使用农药的明智方法。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。


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