
Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils via cultivation of cover crops - A meta-analysis


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A promising option to sequester carbon in agricultural soils is the inclusion of cover crops in cropping systems. The advantage of cover crops as compared to other management practices that increase soil organic carbon (SOC) is that they neither cause a decline in yields, like extensification, nor carbon losses in other systems, like organic manure applications may do. However, the effect of cover crop green manuring on SOC stocks is widely overlooked. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to derive a carbon response function describing SOC stock changes as a function of time. Data from 139 plots at 37 different sites were compiled. In total, the cover crop treatments had a significantly higher SOC stock than the reference croplands. The time since introduction of cover crops in crop rotations was linearly correlated with SOC stock change (R-2 = 0.19) with an annual change rate of 0.32 +/- 0.08 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) in a mean soil depth of 22 cm and during the observed period of up to 54 years. Elevation above sea level of the plot and sampling depth could be used as explanatory variables to improve the model fit. Assuming that the observed linear SOC accumulation would not proceed indefinitely, we modeled the average SOC stock change with the carbon turnover model RothC. The predicted new steady state was reached after 155 years of cover crop cultivation with a total mean SOC stock accumulation of 16.7 +/- 1.5 Mg ha(-1) for a soil depth of 22 cm. Thus, the C input driven SOC sequestration with the introduction of cover crops proved to be highly efficient. We estimated a potential global SOC sequestration of 0.12 +/- 0.03 Pg Cyr(-1), which would compensate for 8% of the direct annual greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. However, altered N2O emissions and albedo due to cover crop cultivation have not been taken into account here. Data on those processes, which are most likely species-specific, would be needed for reliable greenhouse gas budgets. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在农业土壤中固存碳的一个有前途的选择是在耕作系统中包括覆盖作物。与其他增加土壤有机碳(SOC)的管理实践相比,覆盖作物的优势在于它们既不会导致产量降低(如扩张),也不会导致其他系统中的碳损失(如有机肥施用)。但是,覆盖农作物绿肥对SOC库存的影响被广泛忽略。因此,我们进行了荟萃分析,以得出描述SOC储量变化随时间变化的碳响应函数。汇总了来自37个不同地点的139个地块的数据。总体而言,覆盖作物处理的SOC量明显高于参考耕地。自从轮作中引入覆盖作物以来的时间与SOC储量变化(R-2 = 0.19)线性相关,平均土壤中的年变化率为0.32 +/- 0.08 Mg ha(-1)yr(-1)深度为22厘米,在长达54年的观察期内。该地块的海拔高度和采样深度可用作解释变量,以提高模型拟合度。假设观察到的线性SOC累积不会无限期地进行,我们使用RothC碳交易量模型对平均SOC储量变化进行建模。 155年的覆盖作物栽培后,达到了预期的新稳态,土壤深度为22 cm,SOC平均总蓄积量为16.7 +/- 1.5 Mg ha(-1)。因此,事实证明,引入覆盖作物后,C输入驱动的SOC隔离非常有效。我们估计潜在的全球SOC隔离量为0.12 +/- 0.03 Pg Cyr(-1),这将弥补农业每年直接温室气体排放量的8%。但是,这里没有考虑到由于覆盖作物的种植而改变的N2O排放量和反照率。要获得可靠的温室气体预算,就需要有关这些过程的数据,这些数据很可能是特定于物种的。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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