首页> 外文期刊>Pharmaceutical development and technology >Solid lipid nanoparticles surface modified with anti-Contactin-2 or anti-Neurofascin for brain-targeted delivery of medicines

Solid lipid nanoparticles surface modified with anti-Contactin-2 or anti-Neurofascin for brain-targeted delivery of medicines


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ABSTRACT Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic central nervous system (CNS) inflammation. Efficient drug delivery to brain is however hampered by blood-brain barrier (BBB). In order to have highly efficient and safe delivery of drugs to brain, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have indicated promising potentials as smart carriers that can pass the blood-brain barrier and deliver therapeutic biomolecules to the brain. In this study, PEGylated SLNs surface modified using anti-Contactin-2 or anti-Neurofascin, two axo-glial-glycoprotein antigens located in node of Ranvier, were prepared. These targeting moieties are considered as the main targets of autoimmune reaction in MS. The targeted SLNs were then characterized and their in vitro release profile together with their cell viability and uptake were studied. Their brain uptakes were also probed following injections in MS-induced mice. It was found that the targeted PEGylated SLNs had no significant cytotoxicity on U87MG cells although their cellular uptake was increased 4- and 8-fold when surface modified with anti-Contactin-2 or anti-Neurofascin, respectively, compared to control. Brain uptake results demonstrated higher uptake of surface-modified SLNs in the brain tissue compared with the PEGylated SLNs. The results of this report will help scientist to design more efficient nanocarriers for treatment of MS.



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