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Application of Bayer Red Mud-Based Flux in the Steelmaking Process


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Bayer red mud is characterized by its highly oxidizing nature (high Fe2O3 content) and high alkalinity (high Na2O content). It can work as an ideal flux and dephosphorizer in the steelmaking process. In this study, laboratory experiments on the use of Bayer red mud-based flux in hot metal dephosphorization and simulated steelmaking processes have been carried out. In hot metal dephosphorization, good slag fluidity and a much better separation between the slag and the melt phases are obtained while using Bayer red mud. This result is attributed to the fact that Al2O3 and Na2O present in Bayer red mud act as a flux and serve to decrease the melting point of the CaO-FeO-SiO2-based slag. For a mass ratio of Bayer red mud:CaO between 1:1 and 2:1, high hot metal dephosphorization ratios (more than 80%) and low final [P] (lower than 0.018%) are obtained. The experimental results obtained while using Bayer red mud-based flux in simulated steelmaking processes show that good slag fluidity is observed during the entire process. The dephosphorization ratio can be more than 85%, and the final [P] can be lowered to less than 0.005%. No rephosphorization phenomenon is observed in the whole experiment.
机译:拜耳红泥的特征在于其高氧化性质(高Fe2O3含量)和高碱度(高Na 2 O含量)。它可以作为炼钢工艺中的理想的助焊剂和脱磷酸化器。在这项研究中,已经进行了对热金属脱磷和模拟炼钢工艺使用拜耳红泥焊剂的实验室实验。在热金属脱磷中,在使用拜耳红泥时获得良好的熔渣流动性和熔渣和熔体相之间的更好分离。该结果归因于拜耳红泥中的Al2O3和Na2O作为助焊剂,可用于降低基于CaO-Feo-SiO2的炉渣的熔点。对于拜耳红泥的质量比:CaO在1:1和2:1之间,获得高热金属脱磷比(超过80%)和低最终[P](低于0.018%)。在模拟炼钢过程中使用拜耳的泥浆磁通量获得的实验结果表明,在整个过程中观察到良好的熔渣流动性。脱磷比率可以大于85%,最终[P]可降低至小于0.005%。在整个实验中没有观察到重量磷化现象。



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