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Regulation of postnatal development of testes and its association with puberty and fertility - A review


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Indigenous bull breeds attain puberty late in life when compared to the breeds of Bos taurus. Cross breeding between Bos taunts and Bos indicus has decreased the age at puberty and increased the total semen production period of bulls. However, some ofthe drawbacks like impaired semen production, poor libido, and low freezability are common among the crossbred bulls in India. Leydig and Sertoli cells are the most important non-germinal cells of testes that are essential for sperm production. The development and differentiation of these testicular cells occurs during postnatal period in bull calves and are dependent on the transient rise in gonadotropins, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and other growth factors. Administration of gonadotropinsor gonadotropin—releasing hormone (GnRH) before the transient rise initiates the multiplication of Leydig and Sertoli cells, and results in hastened onset of sexual maturity, increased testicular weight, sperm output, and number of germ cells. Supplementation of high-energy diet during the period of 2-6 months isessential as it increases the IGF-1 release that further acts to release GnRH and development of testicular non-germinal cells. This review highlights some of the developments made with respectto regulation of postnatal development of testes, early detection of fertility, and ways to augment the sperm production capacity.
机译:与Bos taurus的品种相比,土著的公牛品种在生命后期才达到青春期。 Bos嘲讽和Bos indicus之间的杂交育种降低了青春期的年龄并延长了公牛的精液总生产期。然而,在印度的杂种公牛中,一些缺点如精液生产受损,性欲低下和易冻性低是常见的。睾丸间质细胞和睾丸支持细胞是精子产生所必需的最重要的非生殖细胞。这些睾丸细胞的发育和分化发生在出生后的公牛犊中,并取决于促性腺激素,胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF-1)和其他生长因子的短暂升高。在短暂升高之前给予促性腺激素或促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)会引发Leydig和Sertoli细胞的增殖,并导致性成熟加速,睾丸重量增加,精子输出增加以及生殖细胞数量增加。在2-6个月内补充高能饮食非常重要,因为它会增加IGF-1的释放,进而进一步释放GnRH和睾丸非生殖细胞的发育。这篇综述重点介绍了在调节睾丸产后发育,提早发现生育能力以及提高精子生产能力方面的一些进展。



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