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Impact of climate change on agricultural productivity under rainfed conditions in Cameroon-A method to improve attainable crop yields by planting date adaptations


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Rainfed farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa are suffering from low productivity. Prolonged dry spells and droughts often lead to significant crop losses, a situation that is expected to be exacerbated by climate change. In this study, the impact of climate change on attainable yields of maize and groundnut, as major alimentary crops in sub-Saharan Africa, is evaluated at five stations in Cameroon under rainfed conditions. It is focussed on the contribution of future climate change in terms of the direct fertilisation effect of the expected CO2 alteration and the indirect effects of the expected temperature and precipitation change. As improved agricultural management practices in rainfed systems are crucial to increase agricultural productivity, the impact of the planting date is analysed in detail. For this purpose, a fuzzy logic-based algorithm is developed to estimate the agriculturally relevant onset of the rainy season (ORS) and, thus, the optimal planting date. This algorithm is then connected to the physically based crop model CropSyst, hereinafter referred to as optimal planting date following crop modelling system. A Monte Carlo approach is used to optimise the ORS algorithm in terms of maximising the mean annual crop yields (1979-2003). The optimal planting date following crop modelling system is applied to past and future periods, mainly for two reasons: (i) to derive optimal fuzzy rules and increase mean attainable crop yields; and (ii) to reliably estimate the impact of climate change to crop productivity with ('optimal planting date scenario') and without planting date adaptations ('traditional planting date scenario').It is shown that the fuzzy rules derived for assessing the optimal planting dates may allow for significantly increased crop yields compared to the existing planting rules in Cameroon under current climatic conditions, especially for the drier northern regions. A change in the climatic conditions due to global warming will reduce the growing cycle and, thus, the crop yields. However, the positive effect of CO2 fertilisation is likely to outweigh the negative effects of precipitation and temperature change for the 2020s and partly for the 2080s. When additionally considering planting date adaptations, groundnut yield is expected to increase for the 2020s and the 2080s. with maximum yield surpluses of about 30% for the 2020s compared to the extended baseline period. For maize, crop yield is likely to increase (decrease) for the 2020s (2080s) by approximately 15%. For the driest stations analysed, the negative impacts of temperature and precipitation change could be mitigated significantly by planting date adaptations
机译:撒哈拉以南非洲的雨养农业系统正遭受生产力低下的困扰。长时间的干旱和干旱通常会导致严重的农作物损失,这种情况预计会因气候变化而加剧。在这项研究中,在雨育条件下,在喀麦隆的五个气象站评估了气候变化对作为撒哈拉以南非洲主要营养作物的玉米和花生可达到的产量的影响。重点关注未来气候变化的贡献,包括预期的CO2变化的直接施肥效应以及预期的温度和降水变化的间接效应。由于雨育系统中改进的农业管理措施对提高农业生产率至关重要,因此,将详细分析播种期的影响。为此,开发了一种基于模糊逻辑的算法来估计与农业相关的雨季(ORS)的发作,从而估算最佳的播种日期。然后,将该算法连接到基于物理的作物模型CropSyst,以下称为作物建模系统之后的最佳种植日期。在最大化年均农作物产量(1979-2003)方面,采用了蒙特卡洛方法来优化ORS算法。遵循作物模型系统的最佳播种日期应用于过去和未来时期,主要有两个原因:(i)得出最佳模糊规则并增加平均可获得作物产量; (ii)在没有“最佳播种日期”的情况下(“最佳播种日期”)(“传统播种日期”)可靠地估计了气候变化对作物生产力的影响。与喀麦隆在当前气候条件下的现行播种规定相比,播种日期可能使作物单产显着增加,特别是在较干燥的北部地区。全球变暖导致的气候条件变化将缩短生长周期,从而降低农作物的单产。但是,在2020年代,部分在2080年代,二氧化碳施肥的积极作用可能超过降水和温度变化的负面影响。如果另外考虑改种播种日期,则预计2020年代和2080年代花生的单产将会增加。与延长的基准期相比,2020年的最大单产过剩约30%。对于玉米,2020年代(2080年代)的农作物产量可能增加(减少)约15%。对于已分析的最干旱站,可通过改种日期来大大减轻温度和降水变化的负面影响



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