首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Forest Meteorology >A comparative study of ordinary and residual kriging techniques for mapping global solar radiation over southern Spain

A comparative study of ordinary and residual kriging techniques for mapping global solar radiation over southern Spain


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This study presents a comparative analysis of the ordinary and residual kriging methods for mapping, on a 1kmx1km grid size, the monthly mean of global solar radiation at the surface in Andalusia (southern Spain). The region of study is characterized by a wide range of topographic and climatic characteristic, which allows properly evaluating the two methods. The experimental dataset includes 4 years (2003-2006) of data collected at 166 stations: 112 stations were used to train the models and 54 in an independent validation procedure. Overall, the ordinary kriging method provide fair estimates: RMSE ranges from 1.63MJmpo dayp# (6.2%) in June to around 1.44MJmpo dayp# (11.2%) in October. In the residual kriging procedure, we propose using an external explanatory variable (derived just based on a digital elevation model) that accounts for topographic shadows cast, and that is able to explain between 13% and 45% of the spatial variability. Based on the combined used of the elevation and the former external variable, residual kriging estimates shows a relative improvement in RMSE values ranging from 5% in the summer months to more than 20% in the autumn and winter months. Particularly, RMSE is 1.44MJmpo dayp# (5.5%) in June and 1.31MJmpo dayp# (10.2%) in October. Explained variance also shows a considerable improvement compared to the ordinary kriging method, with all the months showing R po values above 0.92. Results show that most part of these improvements is associated with a better estimation of the minimum values, particularly during the winter part of the year. It is finally concluded that the proposed residual kriging method is particularly valuable when mapping complex topography areas.
机译:这项研究对普通和残余克里金方法进行了比较分析,以1kmx1km的网格大小绘制了安达卢西亚(西班牙南部)地表全球太阳辐射的月平均值。研究区域具有广泛的地形和气候特征,可以对这两种方法进行正确评估。实验数据集包括4年(2003年至2006年)在166个站点收集的数据:112个站点用于训练模型,而54个站点在独立的验证程序中。总体而言,普通克里金法提供了合理的估计:RMSE范围从6月的1.63MJmpo dayp#(6.2%)到10月的1.44MJmpo dayp#(11.2%)。在残余克里金法过程中,我们建议使用外部解释变量(仅基于数字高程模型得出),该变量说明地形阴影的投射,并能够解释13%至45%的空间变异性。根据海拔和以前的外部变量的组合使用,残余克里金法估计值显示出RMSE值的相对改善,范围从夏季的5%到秋季和冬季的20%以上。特别是,RMSE在6月为1.44MJmpo dayp#(5.5%),在10月为1.31MJmpo dayp#(10.2%)。与常规克里金法相比,解释方差也显示出显着改善,所有月份的R po值均高于0.92。结果表明,这些改进的大部分与对最小值的更好估计有关,尤其是在一年中的冬季。最终得出的结论是,在绘制复杂地形图时,所提出的剩余克里金法特别有价值。



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