首页> 外文期刊>Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde >[Analyses of antimicrobial usage in 598 pig farms in Switzerland in 2017].

[Analyses of antimicrobial usage in 598 pig farms in Switzerland in 2017].


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Antimicrobial usage was analyzed in 598 Swiss pig farms as part of the SuisSano Health Program in 2017. Antimicrobial usage was calculated on the basis of the prescriptions of the veterinarians using the standard dosages DCDCH (Defined Course Dose for Switzerland) and the amount of active substance by weight. Usage was analyzed based on the active antimicrobial class, pharmaceutical form age category (suckling piglets, weaned piglets, fattening pigs, sows) and stock type (breeding farms, fattening farms, farrow-finish farms and sow pool systems (SPS). A total amount of 610 kg antimicrobials or 894,688 DCDCH standard doses were used. The proportion of Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials (HPCIAs) of the total antimicrobial usage was 2.5% for breeding sows, 4.5% for piglets, and 2.7% for fattening pigs based on the number of treatments in DCDCH/animal/year. In contrast weaning piglets showed a calculated proportion of 26%, of which 18% was due to polypeptides (colistin). Suckling piglets produced in SPS stocks were treated significantly more frequently than suckling piglets from other farms (P.
机译:在598年瑞士养猪场分析了抗菌用途,作为2017年的Suissano健康计划的一部分。使用标准剂量DCDCH(瑞士定期的课程剂量)和活性物质的量来计算抗微生物用法的基础上计算兽医的处方重量。基于活性抗微生物类,制药形式年龄类别(哺乳仔猪,断奶仔猪,肥育猪,母猪)和库存类型(育种农场,育种农场,Farrow-Finish Farms(SoW池系统)(SPS),分析了使用的用途。总共使用610千克抗菌剂或894,688个DCDCH标准剂量。育种母猪的总抗菌用途的最高优先级的比例为2.5%,仔猪4.5%,基于的肥猪育肥为2.7%。 DCDCH /动物/年的治疗数量。在对比度断奶仔猪表现出计算的比例为26%,其中18%是由于多肽(Colistin)。在SPS股中产生的乳唇仔比从其他乳唇疱疹进行了明显的处理。农场(P.



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