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Knee Arthroscopic Posteromedial Portal Placement Using the Medial Epicondyle


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Posteromedial portals in the knee are used for numerous procedures, including posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions, meniscal transplantation, repair of posterior meniscal tears, removal of loose bodies, and synovectomy. Iatrogenic injury to the sartorial branch of the saphenous nerve is a known complication of posteromedial portal arthroscopy; thus, a reproducible technique for creating posteromedial portals in the knee is critical. The medial epicondyle is an easily identifiable bony landmark and palpable even in patients with a higher body mass index. Use of the medial epicondyle as a landmark for posteromedial portal placement is a reliable technique. This article describes cadaveric neurovascular relationships to the posteromedial portal using the described technique.
机译:膝关节中的后剖视图用于许多程序,包括后曲韧带重建,半月板移植,后半月板撕裂的修复,去除松散的体和滑动术。 对神经神经的阶层分枝的理性损伤是已知的后剖视图关节镜的复杂化; 因此,用于在膝盖中产生的后剖视图的可再现技术至关重要。 内侧髁上是一种易于识别的骨骼标志性,即使在具有更高的体重指数的患者中,也是可触及的。 使用内侧髁作为后剖视图放置的标志性是一种可靠的技术。 本文使用所描述的技术介绍了与后剖视图的尸体神经血管关系。



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