首页> 外文期刊>Agricultural and Resource Economics Review >Is There Evidence of a Critical Mass in the Mid-Atlantic Agriculture Sector between 1949 and 1997?

Is There Evidence of a Critical Mass in the Mid-Atlantic Agriculture Sector between 1949 and 1997?


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Ongoing farmland loss has led county planners to ask "is there a critical mass of farmland needed?" to retain a viable agricultural sector. This study examines whether counties lost farmland at a faster rate if the number of agricultural acres fell below a critical threshold. Results from six Mid-Atlantic states over the period 1949 to 1997 indicate that counties with fewer agricultural acres lost farmland at a faster rate. However, after splitting the study period into two time segments (1949-1978 and 1978-1997) and modeling separately, this result was not found for the later time period, suggesting a uniform critical mass level may not exist. Population growth in a county accelerated farmland loss over all time periods.
机译:持续的耕地流失促使郡县规划者问:“是否需要大量的耕地?”保留可行的农业部门。这项研究调查了如果农业用地的数量低于临界阈值,各县是否会以更快的速度失去土地。 1949年至1997年期间,六个大西洋中部州的结果表明,农业用地较少的县失去耕地的速度更快。但是,将研究期分为两个时间段(1949-1978年和1978-1997年)并分别建模后,在以后的时间段中未找到此结果,这表明可能不存在统一的临界质量水平。一个县的人口增长在所有时期都加速了农田的流失。



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