首页> 外文期刊>Critical reviews in toxicology >Crystalline silica and lung cancer: a critical review of the occupational epidemiology literature of exposure-response studies testing this hypothesis.

Crystalline silica and lung cancer: a critical review of the occupational epidemiology literature of exposure-response studies testing this hypothesis.




IARC (2009; Metals, Particles and Fibres. IARC Monographs on the Evaluaton of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Volume 100C. Lyon, France: IARC) concluded that crystalline silica in occupational settings is a lung carcinogen. This conclusion is based primarily on studies with exposure-response (E-R) analyses and a pooled analysis of 10 major studies with about 1000 lung cancer cases. The purpose of this review is to critically assess this cancer classification based on E-R analyses in 18 studies from eight countries with about 2000 lung cancer cases and the same database used by IARC (2009) . The most appropriate exposure-response analysis is selected from latest study with least effect from bias, confounding, and presented graphically to assist individual assessment of the weight of evidence. Strength of association is consistently weak in the majority of studies. At the highest exposure level the mean relative risk (RR) is 1.5; four studies have strong associations (RRs > 2), three have moderate strong associations (RRs 1.5-2.0), six have weak-negligible associations (RRs 1-1.5), and five have no associations (RRs
机译:IARC(2009;金属,颗粒和纤维。IARC对人类致癌风险评估的专论。第100C卷,法国里昂:IARC)得出结论,职业环境中的结晶二氧化硅是一种肺致癌物。该结论主要基于对暴露-反应(E-R)分析的研究以及对涉及约1000例肺癌病例的10项主要研究的汇总分析。这篇综述的目的是基于来自八个国家的18项研究中的E-R分析,对该癌症分类进行严格评估,这些研究涉及约2000例肺癌病例,并且与IARC(2009)使用的数据库相同。从最新研究中选择最合适的暴露反应分析,从偏见,混淆中获得最小的影响,并以图形方式显示以帮助对证据权重进行个体评估。在大多数研究中,关联强度一直很弱。在最高暴露水平下,平均相对风险(RR)为1.5;有四项研究具有较强的关联性(RRs> 2),三项具有中等强度的关联性(RRs 1.5-2.0),六项具有弱可忽略的关联性(RRs 1-1.5),五项没有关联性(RRs



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