首页> 外文期刊>Age and Ageing: The Journal of the British Geriatrics Society and the British Society for Research on Ageing >Relation between depressed mood, somatic comorbidities and health service utilisation in older adults: Results from the KORA-Age study

Relation between depressed mood, somatic comorbidities and health service utilisation in older adults: Results from the KORA-Age study


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Background: prior literature suggests that comorbidity with depression significantly worsens the health state of people with chronic diseases.Objective: the present study examines whether depressed mood increased medical care use for patients with a comorbid physical disease.Design, setting and subjects: the study was a population-based study (KORA-Age), with 3,938 participants aged 64-94.Methods: we investigated differences in health services use in participants with and without depressed mood (Geriatric Depression Scale). A further adjustment for disease was done and differences were examined with the Mann-Whitney U test. The incidence rate ratios (IRRs) for doctors' appointments or the number of days in hospital were explored with (zero-inflated) negative binomial regression models.Results: there are increased self-neglecting behaviours and medical comorbidities in participants with depressed mood. Depressed mood increased participants' use of medical services (P < 0.0001). Among participants who visited the doctor during the last 3 months, those with depressed mood had more visits than those without depressed mood, irrespective of somatic comorbidities (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.05 for ill and healthy, respectively). Additionally, patients with coexisting depressed mood and physical disease visited the doctor's practice significantly more often. Having depressed mood significantly increases the likelihood for more doctor visits (IRR = 1.5, CI = 1.3-1.7) and longer hospital stays (IRR = 1.9, CI = 1.6-2.3). In participants with somatic comorbidities the risk is even greater (IRR = 1.6, CI = 1.3-2, for the number of doctors visits and IRR = 2, CI = 1.4-2.9, for the number of days in the hospital).Conclusions: results suggest that patients with depressed mood had increased use of health-care services overall, particularly those with somatic comorbidities.
机译:背景:现有文献表明抑郁症合并症会严重恶化慢性病患者的健康状况。目的:本研究探讨抑郁症情绪是否增加了合并症患者的医疗护理设计,背景和研究对象:一项基于人群的研究(KORA-Age),年龄为64-94岁的3,938名参与者。方法:我们调查了有和没有抑郁情绪的参与者在医疗服务使用上的差异(老年抑郁量表)。进行了疾病的进一步调整,并通过Mann-Whitney U检验检查了差异。使用负膨胀二项式回归模型探讨了医生任命或住院天数的发生率比(IRR)。结果:情绪低落的参与者的自我忽视行为和医疗合并症增加。情绪低落会增加参与者对医疗服务的使用(P <0.0001)。在最近3个月内就诊的参与者中,情绪低落者的访问量多于无情绪低落者,而与躯体合并症无关(疾病和健康分别为P <0.0001和P <0.05)。此外,情绪低落和身体疾病并存的患者更经常去看医生。情绪低落会显着增加就诊次数(IRR = 1.5,CI = 1.3-1.7)和更长的住院时间(IRR = 1.9,CI = 1.6-2.3)。在患有躯体合并症的参与者中,风险更大(对于就诊人数而言,IRR = 1.6,CI = 1.3-2,对于住院天数而言,IRR = 2,CI = 1.4-2.9)。结果表明,情绪低落的患者总体上增加了医疗保健服务的使用,尤其是躯体合并症的患者。



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