首页> 外文期刊>Liver international : >Hepatitis C elimination among people who inject drugs: Challenges and recommendations for action within a health systems framework

Hepatitis C elimination among people who inject drugs: Challenges and recommendations for action within a health systems framework


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The burden of hepatitis C infection is considerable among people who inject drugs (PWID), with an estimated prevalence of 39%, representing an estimated 6.1 million people who have recently injected drugs living with hepatitis C infection. As such, PWID are a priority population for enhancing prevention, testing, linkage to care, treatment and follow-up care in order to meet World Health Organization (WHO) hepatitis C elimination goals by 2030. There are many barriers to enhancing hepatitis C prevention and care among PWID including poor global coverage of harm reduction services, restrictive drug policies and criminalization of drug use, poor access to health services, low hepatitis C testing, linkage to care and treatment, restrictions for accessing DAA therapy, and the lack of national strategies and government investment to support WHO elimination goals. On 5 September 2017, the International Network of Hepatitis in Substance Users (INHSU) held a roundtable panel of international experts to discuss remaining challenges and future priorities for action from a health systems perspective. The WHO health systems framework comprises six core components: service delivery, health workforce, health information systems, medical procurement, health systems financing, and leadership and governance. Communication has been proposed as a seventh key element which promotes the central role of affected community engagement. This review paper presents recommended strategies for eliminating hepatitis C as a major public health threat among PWID and outlines future priorities for action within a health systems framework.
机译:丙型肝炎感染的负担在注射药物(PWID)的人群中,估计患病率为39%,估计有61万人最近注射患有丙型肝炎感染的药物。因此,PWID是用于加强预防,检测,联系的优先级,以满足世界卫生组织(世卫组织)丙型肝炎消除目标到2030年。提高丙型肝炎预防有许多障碍并关心PWID,包括贫困的全球危害损害服务,限制性药物政策和毒品犯罪,获得卫生服务差,低丙型肝炎测试,关怀和治疗联系,限制访问DAA治疗,缺乏国家支持消除目标的战略和政府投资。 2017年9月5日,物质用户(INHSU)中的国际肝炎网络持有一个圆桌会议专家组,讨论了卫生系统视角下行动的遗产和未来优先事项。世卫组织卫生系统框架包括六个核心组件:服务交付,卫生劳动力,健康信息系统,医疗采购,卫生系统融资以及领导和治理。已提出沟通作为促进受影响社区参与的核心作用的第七个关键因素。该综述论文提出了推荐的策略,以消除丙型肝炎作为PWID中的主要公共卫生威胁,并在卫生系统框架内概述未来的行动优先事项。



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