首页> 外文期刊>Liver international : >Early alpha‐foetoprotein response associated with treatment efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma

Early alpha‐foetoprotein response associated with treatment efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma


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Abstract Background Post‐treatment decline in serum alpha‐foetoprotein (AFP) levels has been shown to predict the treatment efficacy of antiangiogenic therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We explored whether a decline in AFP levels was also associated with treatment outcomes of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in patients with advanced HCC. Methods We reviewed all patients who received ICI therapy for advanced HCC. AFP response was evaluated in patients with the pretreatment AFP level of 20?ng/mL. We defined early AFP response as a 20% decline in serum AFP levels within the first 4?weeks of treatment initiation relative to pretreatment levels. We then studied whether early AFP response was associated with treatment outcomes. Results Sixty patients were enrolled in this study; 43 of them were evaluable for early AFP response. The objective response rate of early AFP responders was significantly higher than that of early AFP nonresponders (73% vs. 14%, P ??.001). Early AFP responders, compared with early AFP nonresponders, exhibited significantly longer overall survival (OS) (median, 28.0 vs 11.2?months, P ?=?.048) and progression‐free survival (PFS) (median, 15.2 vs 2.7?months, P ?=?.002). After adjusting for other clinicopathological variables and treatments, early AFP response remained an independent predictor for longer OS (hazard ratio [HR]?=?0.089, 95% confidence interval [CI]?=?0.018‐0.441; P ?=?.003) and PFS (HR?=?0.128, 95% CI?=?0.041‐0.399; P ??.001). Conclusion Early AFP response was associated with higher treatment efficacy of ICIs for advanced HCC. Additional validation studies are nonetheless warranted.
机译:摘要血清α-佛罗特蛋白(AFP)水平的后期治疗后衰减预测抗血管植物治疗治疗晚期肝细胞癌(HCC)的治疗疗效。我们探讨了AFP水平的下降是否与高级HCC患者的免疫检查点抑制剂(ICIS)的治疗结果相关。方法介绍了所有接受高级HCC疗法的所有患者。在预处理AFP水平的患者中评估AFP反应,& 20?ng / ml。我们将早期的AFP反应定义为A>在前4个月内血清AFP水平下降20%,相对于预处理水平的治疗开始。然后我们研究了早期的AFP反应是否与治疗结果有关。结果六十名患者注册了这项研究;其中43人是评估早期AFP反应的评价。早期AFP响应者的目标反应率明显高于AFP早期反应者(73%vs.14%,p≤001)。早期的AFP响应者与早期的AFP无反应者相比,整体存活率显着更长(OS)(中位数,28.0 vs 11.2?月,P?=β.048)和无进展的生存(PFS)(中位数,15.2 vs 2.7?月份,p?= 002)。在调整其他临床病理变量和治疗后,早期的AFP反应仍然是较长型操作系统(危险比[HR] = 0.089,95%置信区间[CI] = 0.018-0.441; P?= 003后,仍然是独立的预测因子)和PFS(HR?= 0.128,95%CI?= 0.041-0.399;p≤00.001)。结论早期AFP反应与ICIS对先进HCC的较高治疗疗效有关。尽管如此,额外的验证研究有必要。



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