首页> 外文期刊>Research in science education >Influence of Motivating Science Class, Family, and Peer Models on Students' Approaches to Learning Science: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

Influence of Motivating Science Class, Family, and Peer Models on Students' Approaches to Learning Science: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis


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Classroom environment, family, and peers are important factors in influencing students' science learning. The primary aim of this study was to examine the effects of three environmental factors related to science learning (motivating science class, family models, and peer models) on students' approaches to learning science (deep approach and surface approach). The sample comprised 308 students in grades 8 and 9 from ten secondary schools. Research instruments were Simpson-Troost Attitude Questionnaire-Revised (STAQ-R) (Owen et al.2008) and Approaches to Learning Science (ALS) questionnaire (Lee et al.2008). A structural equation modeling analysis procedure indicated that motivating science class and family models were the strongest predictors of students' deep approaches to learning science. Further, family models were found to have a significant direct and negative relationship with surface approaches to learning science. The results also revealed that motivating science class had a significant direct effect on peer models. In addition, other hypothesized relationships were not statistically significant. Accordingly, motivating science class and peer models had no significant association with surface approaches to learning science. Also, peer models were found to have no significant association with deep approaches to learning science. These pieces of evidence indicate that a motivating science class and a family who have positive attitudes towards science and are somewhat engaged with science may influence students to adopt deeper approaches to learning science. The results also offer implications for science teaching and learning and raise the potential role of science classroom, parents, and siblings in students' approach to learning science.



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