首页> 外文期刊>Neural computing & applications >Estimation algorithm research for lithium battery SOC in electric vehicles based on adaptive unscented Kalman filter

Estimation algorithm research for lithium battery SOC in electric vehicles based on adaptive unscented Kalman filter


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The state of charge (SOC) is a significant part of energy management for electric vehicle power battery, which has important influence on the safe operation of power battery and the judgment of driver's operation. Because the battery SOC cannot be measured directly, many researchers use various estimation methods to obtain accurate SOC values. But the SOC is affected by the temperature, current, cycle life and other time-varying nonlinear factors, which make difficult to construct prediction model. The key problem of battery SOC estimation is the change rule of battery capacity. The Peukert equation is a good method for calculating the battery capacity. The traditional Peukert equation without considering the influence of temperature, but the differences of temperature lead to changes in the constants n and K of the Peukert equations. In this paper, the Peukert equation based on temperature, current change and cycle life is established to estimate the battery capacity. And the battery model state equation is established for estimation and measurement equations of charge and discharge parameters mml:mfenced close="}" open="{"Ce,Re,Cd,Rd,R0mml:mfenced and VOC by using the ampere-hour method and the second-order RC model. And the dynamic estimation of charge state of battery is realized by AUKF. The results show that the accuracy of the lithium battery SOC estimation algorithm based on the temperature, current and cycle life of the modified Peukert equation is about 8% higher than that of the traditional KF ampere-hour method.
机译:COUNTER(SOC)是电动汽车电力电池能源管理的重要组成部分,这对动力电池的安全操作和驾驶员操作的判断具有重要影响。由于不能直接测量电池SOC,因此许多研究人员使用各种估计方法来获得准确的SOC值。但SOC受温度,电流,循环寿命和其他时变非线性因子的影响,这使得难以构建预测模型。电池SOC估计的关键问题是电池容量的变化规则。 Peukert方程是计算电池容量的好方法。传统的Peukert方程而不考虑温度的影响,但温度差异导致Peukert方程的常数N和K的变化。本文建立了基于温度,电流变化和循环寿命的PEUKERT方程来估计电池容量。并且建立了电池模型状态方程,用于估计和放电参数的估计和测量方程MML:Mfecenced Close =“}”Open =“{”CE,Re,CD,RD,R0MML:使用安培时分:MFeced和Voc方法和二阶RC模型。并且Aukf实现了电池电量的动态估计。结果表明,基于改进的PEUKERT方程的温度,电流和循环寿命的锂电池SOC估计算法的准确性高于传统KF安培 - 小时方法的8%。



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