首页> 外文期刊>Materials Science >Influence of Impulsive Electric Current on the Fine Structure of Amg6 Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Electrodynamic Treatment

Influence of Impulsive Electric Current on the Fine Structure of Amg6 Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Electrodynamic Treatment


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Residual stresses negatively affect the service life of welded joints playing the role of the main cause of the brittle fracture of metals, namely, of corrosion cracking. Therefore, it is necessary to develop efficient methods aimed at lowering tensile stresses. These methods should be characterized by the low energy consumption and the easy realization. One of methods of this kind is the electrodynamic treatment (EDT) based on passing of the pulses of electric current through the treated metal at the time of application of an impact load. It is shown that the pulses of electric current passing through the specimens of AMg6 aluminum alloy increase the efficiency of EDT by reducing the local internal stresses as a result of ordering of the dislocation substructure. The results of evaluation of the local distributions of internal stresses obtained after the impact EDT (without pulses of electric current) and after the joint action of the impact EDT and electric pulses confirm the hypothesis about the influence of the electron-dislocation interaction on the lowering of local internal stresses in AMg6 alloy



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