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The Fourth Education Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence Liberate or Infantilise Humanity?


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In a consideration of "super-intelligent" children Seldon addresses the awful possibility of borrowing the practices of animal husbandry to improve human beings; supposedly, better specimens would be encouraged to breed younger and more often. Having bred pigs by means of artificial insemination in an early phase of my career I found myself explaining to adolescent pupils how so many women in California had opted to become pregnant by the same means and had selected semen from white, blue-eyed, tall men with IQs in excess of 120 that public health concerns arose about the extent of inbreeding in the population there. It was a similar situation to concerns in the UK about families where cousin marriage has long been common practice. How, I enquired, would my students react if, having found the ideal partner at a disco, they then discovered that he or she was a half-sibling? Their reaction was, without exception, that of complete and utter revulsion.
机译:考虑到“超级智能”的儿童,Seldon解决了借用畜牧业实践来改善人类的可怕可能性; 据说,将鼓励更好的标本繁殖年轻,更频繁地繁殖。 在我职业生涯的早期阶段的人工授精中养育了猪,我发现自己向青少年解释了加利福尼亚州的许多女性被同一手段怀孕,并从白色,蓝眼睛,高大的男人选择精液 智商超过120,公共卫生问题在那里人口中的近亲繁殖程度产生。 这是一个类似的情况,对英国关于堂兄婚姻长期普遍做法的家庭。 如何,我询问,如果在迪斯科舞厅找到理想的合作伙伴,我的学生会反应,然后他们发现他或她是半兄弟姐妹? 他们的反应是完全和完全厌恶的毫无例外。



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