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A better widget? Three lessons for improving addiction treatment from a meta-analytical study.


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ABSTRACT Objective To discuss how to develop more effective treatment programmes than those currently available for addictive disorders. Data sources The Swedish SBU report, published in English in 2003, was used as a database. It includes 641 randomized controlled trials and seven longitudinal prospective studies. Methods Meta-analytical calculations were performed in several areas using standardized mean differences (d) effect-size estimate and homogeneity testing. Three critical issues have been the focus of the present analysis: the early intervention phase, treatment procedures and their additive properties and the transitional period between early and late effects of treatment. Results The main findings while integrating the results in a new way were that intervention studies with one single session showed a small but robust homogeneous effect size, whereas studies of interventions with several sessions were heterogeneous with large and small effect sizes among the included studies. Similar effect sizes were found in alcohol, opioid and cocaine treatment studies. Agonist treatment yielded the highest effect sizes. Some evidence was found for a possible additive effect for cognitive behaviour therapy and naltrexone as well as for aversive treatment (disulfiram) and psychosocial treatment in alcohol dependence. So far studies on the transition period between short- and long-term outcome are few and inconclusive. Conclusions There is a prospect of improving addiction treatment, and the following areas are suggested by meta-analysis for future research: (a) to examine in more detail the process between the first and second session of intervention; (b) to randomize simultaneously for independent categories of psychosocial and psychopharmacological treatment; and (c) to intensify studies on the transitional period between short- and long-term outcome.
机译:摘要目的探讨如何制定比现有的成瘾性疾病更有效的治疗方案。数据来源瑞典SBU报告于2003年以英文发布,被用作数据库。它包括641个随机对照试验和七个纵向前瞻性研究。方法采用标准均数差(d)效应量估计和均一性检验,在多个区域进行荟萃分析计算。本分析的重点是三个关键问题:早期干预阶段,治疗程序及其累加特性以及早期和晚期治疗之间的过渡期。结果在以一种新的方式整合结果的同时,主要发现是,一次研究的干预研究显示出较小但稳健的均一效应量,而包括研究在内的数次研究的干预研究则异质化,且效应量大小不一。在酒精,阿片类药物和可卡因治疗研究中发现了相似的效果大小。激动剂治疗产生最大的效应大小。发现了一些证据,表明对酒精依赖的认知行为治疗和纳曲酮以及厌恶治疗(双硫仑)和社会心理治疗可能产生加和作用。迄今为止,关于短期和长期结果之间过渡期的研究很少且没有定论。结论有改善成瘾治疗的前景,荟萃分析建议在以下领域进行进一步研究:(a)更详细地研究第一和第二次干预之间的过程; (b)同时随机分配独立类别的社会心理和心理药物治疗; (c)加强对短期和长期结果之间过渡期的研究。



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