首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Biosciences: An International Journal >Generalised probability mass function for the final epidemic size of an SIR model on a line of triangles network

Generalised probability mass function for the final epidemic size of an SIR model on a line of triangles network


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We explore the feasibility of deriving generalised expressions for the probability mass function (PMF) of the final epidemic size of a Susceptible - Infected - Recovered (SIR) model on a finite network of an arbitrary number of nodes. Expressions for the probability that the infection progresses along a given pathway in a line of triangles (LoT) network are presented. Deriving expressions for the probability that the infection ends at any given node allows us to determine the corresponding final size of the epidemic, and hence produce PMFs of the final epidemic size. We illustrate how we can use the results from small networks derived in a previous study to describe how an infection spreads through a LoT network. The key here is to correctly decompose the larger network into an appropriate assemblage of small networks.
机译:我们探讨了在任意数量的节点的有限网络上实现最终疫情的概率质量功能(PMF)的概率质量功能(PMF)的可行性。 提出了感染沿着三角形(批次)网络中的感染途径进行的概率的表达。 导出表达式的概率,即感染结束在任何给定的节点处允许我们确定相应的流行病的最终尺寸,因此产生最终疫情大小的PMF。 我们说明了我们如何利用来自前一项研究中的小型网络的结果来描述感染如何通过批次传播。 这里的关键是将较大的网络正确分解为小型网络的适当组合。



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