首页> 外文期刊>Medycyna Weterynaryjna >Innovative triangular cutting guide in cranial tibial wedge osteotomy in dogs with a cranial cruciate ligament rupture

Innovative triangular cutting guide in cranial tibial wedge osteotomy in dogs with a cranial cruciate ligament rupture


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Damage of the cranial cruciate ligament is a frequent cause of limb lameness in dogs. The aim of the study was to present the usefulness of a new guide for the blade of the oscillating saw in the Cranial Tibial Wedge Osteotomy (CTWO) technique. CTWO procedures using a proprietary triangular guide were performed on 62 dogs of both sexes. Radiological evaluation of the formation of bone scars in the Hammer scale showed that 3 months after the surgery most patients had a solid 2nd or 3rd degree of osteotomy consolidation. Lameness rating by the Functional Stifle Scale showed an improvement in the clinical condition of the dogs. This was reflected in the opinions of the owners expressed in Canine Brief Pain Inventory questionnaires, as presented in the chart. Values of the Pearson and Kendall correlation coefficients and statistical significance coefficients confirmed the relationship between the owners' satisfaction and the results of the therapy and improvement in clinical trials. The triangular guide of the oscillating saw blade facilitates the transfer of the osteotomy angle determined on a digital radiogram onto the operating field, ensures precise orthogonal osteotomy incisions in the course of CTWO, significantly affects the time of callus formation, and accelerates the recovery of limb function.
机译:颅骨十字韧带的损伤是狗的常见原因。该研究的目的是呈现在颅胫骨楔形截骨术(CTWO)技术中振荡锯的叶片叶片的新导向器的有用性。使用专有三角形指南的CTWO程序对两性的62只狗进行。锤垢中骨疤痕形成的放射学评价显示,手术后3个月大多数患者的患者具有固体2ND或第3度的截骨综合。功能性淤积量表的跛足等级显示狗的临床状况的改善。这反映在犬类短暂止痛药问卷中的业主的意见,如图所示。 Pearson和Kendall相关系数的值和统计显着性系数证实了业主的满意度与治疗结果与临床试验的改进之间的关系。振荡锯片的三角形引导促进了在数字射线图上确定的截错的角度的转移到操作场上,确保在CTWO过程中确保精确正交的截骨切口,显着影响愈伤组织形成的时间,并加速肢体的恢复功能。



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