首页> 外文期刊>Advances in oto-rhino-laryngology >History of cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants.

History of cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants.


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Cochlear implants have evolved during the past 30 years from the single-electrode device introduced by Dr. William House, to the multi-electrode devices with complex digital signal processing that are in use now. This paper describes the history of the development of cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants (ABIs). The designs of modern cochlear and auditory brainstem implants are described, and the different strategies of signal processing that are in use in these devices are discussed. The primary purpose of cochlear implants was to provide sound awareness in deaf individuals. Modern cochlear implants provide much more, including good speech comprehension, and even allow conversing on the telephone. ABIs that stimulate the cochlear nucleus were originally used only in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2 who had lost hearing due to removal of bilateral vestibular schwannoma. In such patients, ABIs provided sound awareness and some discrimination of speech. Recently, similar degrees of speech discrimination as achieved with cochlear implants have been obtained when ABIs were used in patients who had lost function of their auditory nerve on both sides for other reasons such as trauma and atresia of the internal auditory meatus.
机译:在过去的30年中,耳蜗植入物已经从William House博士推出的单电极设备发展到现在正在使用的具有复杂数字信号处理的多电极设备。本文介绍了耳蜗植入物和听觉脑干植入物(ABI)的发展历史。描述了现代耳蜗和听觉脑干植入物的设计,并讨论了在这些设备中使用的信号处理的不同策略。人工耳蜗的主要目的是为聋人提供声音意识。现代的人工耳蜗提供了更多功能,包括良好的语音理解能力,甚至允许通过电话进行通话。刺激耳蜗核的ABI最初仅用于2型神经纤维瘤病患者,由于双侧前庭神经鞘瘤的切除而导致听力丧失。在此类患者中,ABI提供了良好的意识和一些语音歧视。最近,当由于其他原因(如外伤和内耳道闭锁)而使两侧听神经功能丧失的患者使用ABI时,已经获得了与人工耳蜗相似的语音辨别度。



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