首页> 外文期刊>Medical anthropology: Cross-cultural studies in health and illness >Engaging with the Right to Health: Ethnographic Explorations of the Right to Health in Practice

Engaging with the Right to Health: Ethnographic Explorations of the Right to Health in Practice


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Over the past 25 years, right to health legislation and policies have gained prominence in health systems around the world. Following the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the International Conference on Primary Health Care that led to the Declaration of Alma Ata in 1978, right to health language began to appear in national constitutions and in specific health-care policies and programs in response to local and global concerns around health inequalities. However, serious questions remain about how right to health principles should be implemented, the potential effects of such implementation, and whether governments can guarantee the right to health through legal mechanisms.
机译:在过去的25年里,卫生立法和政策的权利在世界各地的卫生系统中获得了突出。 继1948年的世界人权宣言和世界卫生组织(世卫组织)的宪法之后,以及1978年在1978年导致ALMA ATA宣言的初级医疗会国际会议开始出现在国家 宪法和具体的医疗保健政策和方案,以应对当地和全球围绕健康不平等的担忧。 但是,关于如何实施健康原则的严重问题,如何实施这种实施的潜在影响,以及各国政府是否可以通过法律机制保障健康权。



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