首页> 外文期刊>Mathematische Zeitschrift >Einstein four-manifolds of three-nonnegative curvature operator

Einstein four-manifolds of three-nonnegative curvature operator


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In this paper we prove that Einstein four-manifolds of 3-positive curvature operator are isometric to (S-4, g(0)) or (CP2, g(FS)), and Einstein four-manifolds of 3-nonnegative curvature operator are isometric to (S-4, g(0)), (CP2, g(FS)), or (S-2 x S-2, g(0) circle plus g(0)), up to rescaling. We also prove that the first eigenvalue of the Laplace operator for Einstein four-manifolds with Ric = g and nonnegative sectional curvature is bounded above by 4/3+4(1/3). The basic idea of the proofs is to construct an "integrated subharmonic function", and the main ingredients of the proofs are curvature decompositions (in particular Berger decomposition), the Weitzenbock formula, and the refined Kato inequality. Along with the proofs, wealso discover an alternative proof for the Weitzenbock formula using Berger decomposition, and an alternative proof for the refined Kato inequality using Derdzinski's argument.
机译:在本文中,我们证明了3阳性曲率操作员的爱因斯坦四歧管是(S-4,G(0))或(CP2,G(FS))和3-非负曲率操作员的Einstein四歧管 等距(S-4,G(0)),(CP2,G(FS)),或(S-2 x S-2,G(0)圈加g(0)),直到重新缩探。 我们还证明,Laplace操作员的爱因斯坦四歧管具有RIC = G和非负截面曲率的第一个特征值,以上偏转4/3 + 4(1/3)。 证据的基本思想是构建“集成次谐函数”,并且证据的主要成分是曲率分解(特别是BERGER分解),Weitzenock公式和精制的KATO不等式。 随着证据,Wealso使用Berger分解发现Weitzenbock公式的替代证据,以及使用Derdzinski的参数的精致的Kato不等式的替代证据。



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