首页> 外文期刊>Mammalia: Morphologie, Biologie Systematique des Mammiferes. >Immersive Research Experiences for High School Students Aimed at Promoting Diversity and Visibility in Pharmacy Education

Immersive Research Experiences for High School Students Aimed at Promoting Diversity and Visibility in Pharmacy Education


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Two challenges frequently faced by schools of pharmacy are the training of a workforce that reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of the populations they serve, as well as raising public awareness of the mission and impact of pharmacy schools. One underutilized strategy in addressing these challenges is directly engaging high school students, whose race and ethnicity more closely reflect the increasing diversity of the US population, in immersive research experiences at schools of pharmacy. Motivated by the multidisciplinary nature of pharmaceutical sciences that involve integration of various science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy created the Young Innovators Program (YIP). The program is an eight-week paid summer internship that immerses participants in cutting-edge and innovative research. Through careful planning, strategic collaboration, and a purposeful recruitment process, we believe pharmacy education could benefit from the expansion of immersive programs that promote the engagement of racially and ethnically diverse high school students in real-world research.



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