首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Animal Biosciences >A review of the impact of increased dietary starch concentration or addition of oils, fats, tanninsor saponins in the diet on enteric methane emissions

A review of the impact of increased dietary starch concentration or addition of oils, fats, tanninsor saponins in the diet on enteric methane emissions


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Implication Formulation of diets with the addition of oils/fats, tannins/saponins or increased starch concentration canreduce methane (CH4) emissions per kg DMI within different livestock sectors.Introduction Agriculture is a significant source of GHG emission accounting for 9.6% of the UK’s total GHG emissionsbased on 2011 estimates (NAEI, 2013). The industry therefore has a responsibility to explore potential GHG mitigationstrategies. Improvements in production efficiency, animal breeding, nutrient management and farming systems are allpossible means of reducing emissions per unit of agricultural product but direct dietary manipulation has also been shownto impact on enteric methane emissions. The objectives of this review were to investigate, by means of meta analysis ofpublished scientific papers, the impact of dietary inclusion of lipid/oil and tannins/saponins, and increasing the starchconcentration of the diet on enteric CH4 emissions.



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