首页> 外文期刊>Geological Society of America Bulletin >Influence of extreme and annual floods on point-bar sedimentation: Inferences from Powder River, Montana, USA

Influence of extreme and annual floods on point-bar sedimentation: Inferences from Powder River, Montana, USA


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Effects of discharge variability on point-bar sedimentation are not well documented, although resulting changes in flow patterns are well known. This paper focuses on a meander of Powder River in Montana (USA). In May 1978, Powder River had a 50year recurrence flood, which caused outer bank retreat of similar to 70 m. This bank continued to retreat over similar to 40 m in response to annual floods between 1979 and 2016. A trench, up to 2 m deep and 60 m long, was excavated in 2016 through the axial point-bar deposits accumulated during and since the 1978 flood. Deposits from the extreme 1978 flood consisted of stratified, coarsening-upward pebbles with subordinate sand, and show paleoflow toward the outer bank. Deposits accreted during subsequent annual floods consist of fining-upward, medium to fine sand with subordinate mud and gravel. These deposits contain sedimentary structures indicating transport from the channel up the bar. Field observations indicate that during extreme floods, the axial part of the bar was armored by coarsening-upward gravels and not affected by secondary helical circulation. In contrast, during annual floods, armoring was not observed and most of the flow was directed up the sloping point-bar surface, indicating secondary circulation near the bend apex. This paper shows that the area affected by the secondary helical circulation shifts downstream and upstream of the bend apex during extreme and annual floods, respectively. This causes significant changes in grain size and sedimentary facies distribution in point-bar deposits, which should be considered when analyzing meandering-river deposits in the ancient sedimentary record.
机译:放电可变性对点杆沉降的影响并不充分记录,但是导致流动模式的变化是众所周知的。本文侧重于蒙大拿州粉末河的曲折。 1978年5月,粉末河有50年的复发洪水,这导致外部储存相似于70米。该银行继续在1979年至2016年之间的年度洪水期间继续撤退到40米。一支沟渠,高达2米长,长度为60米,2016年通过1978年和自1978年以来累积的轴向杆矿床挖掘洪水。来自极端1978的矿床洪水由分层,粗化上向上鹅卵石组成,具有从属砂,并向外部朝向外部铺面。在随后的年度洪水中储存的沉积物包括罚款,中等到具有下级泥土和砾石的细沙。这些沉积物包含沉积结构,该结构指示从杆上的频道输送。现场观测表明,在极端洪水期间,杆的轴向部分通过粗化上向上砾石铠装,并且不受二次螺旋循环的影响。相比之下,在年度洪水期间,未观察到铠装,并且大多数流向倾斜点杆表面上,表示弯曲顶点附近的二次循环。本文分别在极端和年度洪水期间,受次级螺旋循环影响的区域的下游和弯曲顶点的上游。这导致晶粒尺寸和沉积相分布的显着变化在点稳压中分布,在古代沉积记录中分析蜿蜒的河流沉积时应考虑。



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