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Aptitude or adaptation: What lies at the root of terroir?


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The originally French term terroir has long been used to denote the qualities of a place which influence the qualities of a product such as wine. It has many wider connotations, but in terms of the aptitude of a grape-growing area of land, is often supposed to rest upon a solid geological basis. Whilst bedrock of some kind is necessary for the formation of soil, and the subsequent cultivation of grapevines, the kind of rock varies widely across wine-producing areas of the world. Yet in the appreciation of wine, it is sometimes supposed that things like limestone, granite, and chalk may be tasted in the product, signal the terroir it has come from, and justify its reputation. In this commentary I suggest that such evocation of geology forms part of the commercial positioning of wine, but that its over-use can draw attention away from viticultural opportunity, practice, and savoir-faire, as well as the rhetorical nature of terroir's communication.
机译:最初的法国术语Terroir长期以来一直用于表示影响葡萄酒等产品质量的地方的品质。 它具有许多更广泛的内涵,但就葡萄葡萄土地的能力而言,通常应该在实体地质基础上休息。 虽然某种碎片的基岩,但土壤的形成是必要的,随后培养葡萄树,这种岩石种植了世界各地的葡萄酒领域。 然而,在葡萄酒的欣赏中,有时认为是石灰石,花岗岩和粉笔等物品中的东西可能品尝在产品中,信号发出它来自的雷发,并证明了其声誉。 在这方面,我建议这种地质召唤形成了葡萄酒的商业定位的一部分,但它的过度使用可以吸引注意力远离葡萄栽培的机遇,实践和救生人群,以及陶里尔沟通的言论自然。



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