首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Horticultural Science >Chemical contents and blue mould susceptibility in Swedish-grown cider apple cultivars

Chemical contents and blue mould susceptibility in Swedish-grown cider apple cultivars


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Craft apple cider is obtained by fermentation of juice from tannin-rich cider apple cultivars. Polyphenols in cider apples are very important; while procyanidins are the only true tannins, other phenolic compounds can act as precursors for cider aroma. Several recent studies have also reported that a high content of polyphenols in apple decreases susceptibility to the common storage rot blue mould caused by Penicillium expansum. Chemical content was determined in fruit of 19 Swedish-grown cider apple cultivars and 5 dessert apple cultivars in 2016. Inoculation with blue mould spores was undertaken in 2016 on 5 cider apple cultivars and 5 dessert apple cultivars, and repeated again in 2017 on 8 of these cultivars. Contrary to expectations, the cider apple cultivars were significantly more susceptible to blue mould in spite of their higher phenolics content. Although apparently unrelated to amount of phenols in the fruit of our study cultivars, heritability of blue mould susceptibility should be further investigated since all of the cider apples had one parent in common; 'James Grieve'.
机译:Craft Apple苹果酒是通过从富含丹宁苹果苹果品种的果汁发酵而获得的。苹果酒苹果苹果中的多酚非常重要;虽然原霉素是唯一真正的单宁,但其他酚类化合物可以作为苹果酒香气的前体。最近的几项研究还报告说,苹果中的高含量降低了由Penicillium扩展引起的常见储存腐蚀蓝模的敏感性。在2016年瑞典苹果苹果品种和5个甜点苹果品种的果实中确定了化学含量。在2016年在5种苹果苹果品种和5个甜点苹果品种中接种,并在2017年再次在8中重复这些品种。与期望相反,苹果苹果苹果品种仍然易于对蓝色模具的影响,尽管其酚类含量较高。虽然我们研究品种的果实中的酚类含量明显无关,但是应该进一步调查蓝色模具易感性的可遗传性,因为所有苹果苹果都有一个共同的父母; '詹姆斯悲伤'。



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