首页> 外文期刊>European journal of health law >The Primacy of the Patient’s Wishes in the Medical Decision-making Procedure Established by French Law

The Primacy of the Patient’s Wishes in the Medical Decision-making Procedure Established by French Law


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In its promotion of an autonomy model of decision-making in medical matters, French law, after making patients’ consent to medical procedures compulsory by case law then by legislation, established the primacy of the expression of patients’ wishes. Lawmakers followed the principle of shared medical decision-making and, for situations in which subjects are not fit to express their wishes, created mechanisms to represent their wishes as expressed previously. Examination of comparable legal provisions in other countries raises questions about the pertinence of the French model, which has not fully incorporated the concept of decision-making capacity but limited itself to a binary appreciation of fitness to express one’s wishes.
机译:在促进医疗事项决策的自治模型中,法国法律,在使患者同意强制性的医疗程序之后,通过立法,建立了患者愿望表达的首要性。 立法者遵循共享医疗决策的原则,并且对于受试者不适合表达他们的愿望的情况,所创造的机制是以前表达的意愿。 对其他国家的可比法律规定的审查提出了关于法国模型的解决的问题,这尚未完全纳入决策能力的概念,而是限于对表达愿望的健身的二元欣赏。



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