首页> 外文期刊>European journal of clinical microbiology and infectious diseases: Official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology >Epidemiology and control of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Stockholm County, Sweden, 2000 to 2016: overview of a 'search-and-contain' strategy

Epidemiology and control of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Stockholm County, Sweden, 2000 to 2016: overview of a 'search-and-contain' strategy


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To review the epidemiology and measures to control meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, in Stockholm between 2000 and 2016 from the perspective of the Department of Communicable Disease Control and Prevention, Stockholm County Council, Sweden. Age, sex, and place of acquisition of their MRSA on all patients reported to the department were reviewed. Measures for control included surveillance through mandatory reporting of cases, screening patients with risk factors for MRSA, strict adherence to basic nursing hygienic principles, isolation of MRSA positive patients in single rooms in dedicated MRSA wards, and cohorting of staff. An MRSA team was created at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Karolinska University Hospital, for follow-up of all cases. Several administrative meetings and cooperative groups were formed that are still in function. From 2000 to 2016, there were 7373 MRSA cases reported. Healthcare-associated MRSA, HA-MRSA, was successfully controlled, and from 2006 onwards, very limited HA-MRSA transmission or outbreaks occurred. However, incidence increased overall, from 9.5 per 100,000 in 2000 to 37.3 per 100,000 in 2016, due to increase of MRSA acquired abroad and of MRSA acquired in the Swedish community. Surveillance and control measures have been successful in containing HA-MRSA in Stockholm, Sweden, but incidence has increased substantially due to imported cases and spread in the Swedish community. The strategy may be termed "search-and-contain" since screening, infection control, follow-up, and advice on personal hygiene were cornerstones of control, whereas eradication of carriage was not.
机译:瑞典斯德哥尔摩州议会斯德哥尔摩州议会的角度,审查2000年至2016年在2000年至2016年间斯德哥尔摩斯德哥尔摩的流行病学和措施。审查了对该部门报告的所有患者的AGE,性别和收购其MRSA的地点。控制措施包括通过强制性报告的监测,筛查患有MRSA的危险因素的患者,严格遵守基础护理卫生原则,在专门的MRSA病房中单个房间中的MRSA阳性患者分离,以及员工队伍。 MRSA团队是在传染病,Karolinska大学医院的传染病部门创建,以便在所有情况下进行后续行动。形成若干行政会议和合作群体仍在功能中。从2000年到2016年,报告了7373例MRSA案件。医疗保健相关的MRSA,HA-MRSA已成功控制,从2006年起,非常有限的HA-MRSA传输或爆发发生。然而,由于瑞典社区的MRSA增加,2016年,2000年的每10万至每10万至37.3,发病率总体上涨至每10万至37.3。监测和控制措施在瑞典斯德哥尔摩的Ha-MRSA含有Ha-MRSA,但由于进口病例和瑞典社区传播,发病率大幅增加。由于筛选,感染控制,随访和对个人卫生的建议,该策略可以被称为“搜索和遏制”是对控制的基石,而无论是对控制的基石都没有。



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