首页> 外文期刊>European journal of ageing >Examination on how emotion regulation mediates the relationship between future time perspective and well-being: a counter-evidence to the socioemotional selectivity theory

Examination on how emotion regulation mediates the relationship between future time perspective and well-being: a counter-evidence to the socioemotional selectivity theory


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Previous studies have shown that older people maintain higher well-being than younger people despite their physical and cognitive functioning declining with age. This paradoxical phenomenon has been explained by the socioemotional selectivity theory (SST), in which a limited future time perspective (FTP) is an antecedent that leads to higher well-being through the use of adaptive emotion regulation. However, few empirical studies have examined the mediation process assumed in the SST. Moreover, it is unclear whether time left in life (TLL), which was originally referred to in the SST and is thought to be a different concept from FTP, relates to emotion regulation and well-being. Therefore, the current study investigated how emotion regulation mediates the relationship between FTP, TLL, and well-being by using a cross-sectional questionnaire that was responded to by 1393 Japanese adults (age range 20-89 years, M = 54.23, SD = 19.01). The results of correlation and mediation analyses indicated that, in contrast to the assumption of the SST, limited (expanded) FTP and TLL generally lead to lower (higher) well-being through the mediation of maladaptive (adaptive) emotion regulation. Although there are some methodological limitations, the findings imply that the relationship between FTP, TLL, and emotion regulation that is assumed in the SST should be reconsidered and that TLL should be thought of as a distinct variable from FTP.
机译:前面的研究表明,尽管有年龄的身体和认知功能下降,但老年人比较年轻人保持更高的福祉。这种矛盾的现象已经通过社会情调选择性理论(SST)解释,其中未来的未来时间透视(FTP)是一种前进,通过使用适应性情绪调节,导致更高的良好状态。然而,很少有实证研究检测了SST中假设的调解过程。此外,目前还不清楚最初在SST中提到的生命(TLL)是否留下的时间(TLL)并被认为是来自FTP的不同概念,涉及情感调节和福祉。因此,目前的研究调查了情感规则如何通过使用1393日日本成年人的横断面问卷调查FTP,TLL和福祉之间的关系(年龄范围20-89岁,M = 54.23,SD = 19.01)。相关性和中介分析结果表明,与SST的假设相比,限量(扩展)FTP和TLL通常通过介入(适应性)情绪调节的调解而导致较低(更高)的井。虽然存在一些方法论局限性,但研究结果意味着在SST中假设的FTP,TLL和情感调节之间的关系应该被重新考虑,并且应该认为TLL作为来自FTP的独特变量。



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