首页> 外文期刊>Advanced nonlinear studies >Boundary Behavior of Solutions to Singular Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations

Boundary Behavior of Solutions to Singular Boundary Value Problems for Nonlinear Elliptic Equations


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Let 11 be a bounded domain with smooth boundary in R N and h E C0, cc), (0, co)) with lims _,0+ h(s) = T E (0, co). By the perturbation method,which is due to Garcia Melian, and nonlinear transformations and comparison principles, we derive the exact boundary behavior of solutions to a singular Dirichlet problem -Av + IVvi2 = b(x), v > 0, x E 12, vian = 0. Then, applying the result, combining two kinds of nonlinear transformations, we derive the exact boundary behavior of solutions to a boundary blow-up elliptic problem and a singular Dirichlet problem, where the weight b is positive in Q and may be (rapidly) vanishing or blow up on the boundary.
机译:设11为在R N和h E C0,cc),(0,co))中具有光滑边界的有界域,lims _,0 + h(s)= T E(0,co)。通过加西亚·梅利安(Garcia Melian)的摄动方法以及非线性变换和比较原理,我们得出了奇异Dirichlet问题-Av + IVvi2 = b(x),v> 0,x E 12的解的精确边界行为。 vian =0。然后,使用该结果,结合两种非线性变换,我们得出边界爆破椭圆问题和奇异Dirichlet问题的解的精确边界行为,其中权重b在Q中为正,且可能为(迅速)消失或炸毁边界。



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