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Waste management can't be overlooked


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New technologies that allow environmental surety while reducing near-term and long-term costs should be embraced. The American Petroleum Institute estimates that about 1.21 bbl of drilling waste are generated for every foot drilled in the U.S., nearly 50% of which is solid waste. Though various federal and local laws and regulations govern the disposal of oilfield waste, regulatory compliance is not itself a sufficiently high standard to ensure the industry's license to operate. Especially in this period of declined oil prices, with operators driven to cut costs wherever possible, it is critical that as an industry we recognize those technologies that provide a high degree; of environmental surety while reducing near-term and long-term costs. We must demonstrate that we can manage our wastes in ways that improve the economic and environmental sustainability of our developments.
机译:允许环境保证的新技术,同时应接近近期和长期成本。 美国石油研究所估计,为美国钻井的每只脚产生约1.21桶钻井废物,其中近50%是固体废物。 虽然各种联邦和当地法律法规管理油田浪费的处置,但监管合规性本身并不是一种足够高的标准,以确保行业的运作许可。 特别是在这一时期的油价下降,运营商随时随地削减成本,这对作为一个行业来说至关重要,我们认识到提供高度的技术; 环境保证性降低近期和长期成本的同时。 我们必须证明我们可以以改善我们发展的经济和环境可持续性的方式管理我们的废物。



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