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Comparison of bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate with standard transurethral prostatectomy: shorter stay, earlier catheter removal and fewer complications.


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Authors from Detroit assess the use of the bipolar TURP against the monopolar technique; there were relatively few patients, reflecting the decreasing requirement for TURP in the USA. In addition, the amount of resected tissue was not particularly large, almost certainly a reflection of the decreasing size of resected prostatic tissue in that country. They found the bipolar TURP to have many advantages over standard monopolar TURP, and these are described. Acute urinary retention is a common urological emergency, and authors from London found that it had a measurable impact on the health-related quality of life of patients who develop this problem. They describe particularly how painful a condition it is, and that it had a significant economic burden. OBJECTIVE: To assess bipolar transurethral prostatectomy (TURP) using the Gyrus system (Gyrus Medical, Maple Grove, MD) compared with a standard monopolar TURP. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All 43 patients undergoing TURP from November 2000 to August 2002 were reviewed retrospectively; the 1.5-year observation period allowed for the detection of late complications. In all, 18 consecutive patients had standard and 25 had bipolar TURP. RESULTS: The resection was 18 g for standard and 15 g for the Gyrus TURP (part of the Gyrus chips are vaporized during resection). The Foley catheter was removed sooner (1.8 vs 3.2 days) and the hospital stay was less in the Gyrus group (1.2 vs 2.1 days). Acute complications occurred in a third of the standard group and four (16%) of the Gyrus group. Long-term complications were comparable, at two each in the standard and Gyrus groups. Four patients (15%) with small glands went home on the day of surgery, needing no bladder irrigation after Gyrus TURP. CONCLUSION: Few innovations in TURP technique have been described in the past few decades but comparing Gyrus to standard TURP showed that the former allows earlier removal of the urinary catheter and earlier discharge from hospital, while decreasing complications. The Gyrus system also has other benefits; it allows coagulation of tissue during resection, resulting in excellent intraoperative visualization, and normal saline is used as the irrigant fluid, reducing the potential for TUR syndrome. The shorter stay after Gyrus TURP can result in cost savings of up to Dollars 1200/patient/day at our institution.
机译:底特律的作者评估了双极TURP相对于单极技术的使用;患者相对较少,反映出美国对TURP的需求在减少。另外,切除的组织的数量不是特别大,几乎可以肯定地反映出该国的切除的前列腺组织的尺寸减小。他们发现双极TURP优于标准单极TURP,并且对此进行了描述。急性尿retention留是常见的泌尿外科急症,来自伦敦的作者发现,尿on留对发生此问题的患者的健康相关生活质量具有可衡量的影响。他们特别描述了这种疾病的痛苦程度,以及巨大的经济负担。目的:与标准单极TURP相比,使用Gyrus系统(Gyrus Medical,Maple Grove,MD)评估双极经尿道前列腺切除术(TURP)。病人和方法:回顾性分析2000年11月至2002年8月期间接受TURP治疗的43例患者。 1.5年的观察期可用于发现晚期并发症。总共有18例标准患者和25例双极TURP。结果:标准切除术为18 g,Gyrus TURP切除术为15 g(部分Gyrus碎片在切除过程中蒸发了)。 Foley导管较早取出(1.8天对3.2天),而Gyrus组的住院时间更少(1.2天对2.1天)。急性并发症发生在标准组的三分之一和回旋组的四个(16%)。长期并发症是可比较的,在标准组和回旋组中各有两次。手术当天,有四名小腺体患者(占15%)回家,在进行Gyrus TURP手术后无需进行膀胱冲洗。结论:在过去的几十年中,很少有人描述TURP技术的创新,但是将Gyrus与标准TURP进行比较表明,前者可以更早地拔出导尿管并提早出院,同时减少了并发症。 Gyrus系统还具有其他优点。它可以在切除过程中使组织凝结,从而实现出色的术中可视化,并且使用生理盐水作为冲洗液,减少了TUR综合征的可能性。 Gyrus TURP之后的较短住院时间可为我们的机构节省高达1200美元/患者/天的费用。



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