首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology >Sport gain-framed messages, possible selves, and their effects on adults' interest, intentions, and decision to register in sport

Sport gain-framed messages, possible selves, and their effects on adults' interest, intentions, and decision to register in sport


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This longitudinal randomised study compared gain-framed messages to a comparison condition for effects on intentions to do sport, requests for newsletters describing adult sport opportunities, and sport registration in middle-aged adults. An a posteriori objective was to determine whether greater effects resulted from a possible self-protocol paired with each condition, compared to gain-framed and comparison conditions alone. Analysis of covariance and regression analyses showed gain-framed messages positively influenced intentions, newsletter requests, and registration, with greatest results among participants elaborating upon hoped-for sport selves immediately after message exposure. Results suggest the utility of pairing gain-framed messages with a possible self protocol.
机译:这种纵向随机的研究将增益框架的消息与对体育运动的意图的效果的比较条件进行了比较条件,并在中年成年人中的运动登记的新闻通讯的要求。 与单独的增益框架和比较条件相比,后验物目的是确定是否从每个条件配对的可能的自我协议导致更大的效果。 协方差分析和回归分析显示,积极影响意图,通讯申请和注册的增益框架,参与者在消息曝光后立即阐述的参与者之间最大的结果。 结果表明,具有可能的自我协议的配对增益帧消息的效用。



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