首页> 外文期刊>American journal of medical genetics, Part A >Identification of STAC3 STAC3 variants in non‐Native American families with overlapping features of Carey–Fineman–Ziter syndrome and Moebius syndrome

Identification of STAC3 STAC3 variants in non‐Native American families with overlapping features of Carey–Fineman–Ziter syndrome and Moebius syndrome

机译:鉴定Carey-Fineman-ziter综合征和Moebius综合征重叠特征的非本土美国家庭中的Stac3 Stac3变种

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Horstick et al. (2013) previously reported a homozygous p.Trp284Ser variant in STAC3 as the cause of Native American myopathy (NAM) in 5 Lumbee Native American families with congenital hypotonia and weakness, cleft palate, short stature, ptosis, kyphoscoliosis, talipes deformities, and susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MH). Here we present two non‐Native American families, who were found to have STAC3 pathogenic variants. The first proband and her affected older sister are from a consanguineous Qatari family with a suspected clinical diagnosis of Carey–Fineman–Ziter syndrome (CFZS) based on features of hypotonia, myopathic facies with generalized weakness, ptosis, normal extraocular movements, cleft palate, growth delay, and kyphoscoliosis. We identified the homozygous c.851GC;p.Trp284Ser variant in STAC3 in both sisters. The second proband and his affected sister are from a non‐consanguineous, Puerto Rican family who was evaluated for a possible diagnosis of Moebius syndrome (MBS). His features included facial and generalized weakness, minimal limitation of horizontal gaze, cleft palate, and hypotonia, and he has a history of MH. The siblings were identified to be compound heterozygous for STAC3 variants c.851GC;p.Trp284Ser and c.763_766delCTCT;p.Leu255IlefsX58. Given the phenotypic overlap of individuals with CFZS, MBS, and NAM, we screened STAC3 in 12 individuals diagnosed with CFZS and in 50 individuals diagnosed with MBS or a congenital facial weakness disorder. We did not identify any rare coding variants in STAC3 . NAM should be considered in patients presenting with facial and generalized weakness, normal or mildly abnormal extraocular movement, hypotonia, cleft palate, and scoliosis, particularly if there is a history of MH.
机译:Horstick等。 (2013)之前报道了纯合的P.TRP284SER变体在Stac3中作为原生美洲土着肌病(NAM)的原因在5名腰母中的美国原住民家庭,具有先天性低呼吸道和弱点,腭裂,短地,皮肤病,脊椎椎间囊,纵向畸形,纵向畸形,以及易感性对恶性热疗(MH)。在这里,我们展示了两个非本地人家庭,被发现有Stac3致病变种。第一个证据和她受影响的姐姐来自近亲Qatari家族,基于Hypotonia的特征,近期肌肤相,肌瘤性弱点,皮口,正常间移动,腭裂,腭裂,腭裂生长延迟和盲肠血症。我们鉴定了纯合的C.851G> C;在两个姐妹中的Stac3中的p.trp284ser变体。第二个证据和他受影响的妹妹来自非肝无脊髓球菌,被评估为Moebius综合征(MBS)的可能诊断。他的特征包括面部和广义的弱点,水平凝视,腭裂和低呼吸道的最小限制,他有历史悠久。鉴定兄弟姐妹是STAC3变体C.851G&GT的化合物杂合。C; P.TRP284SER和C.763_766Delctct; P.Leu255810ileFSX58。鉴于CFZ,MBS和NAM的个体的表型重叠,我们在诊断患有CFZ的12个个体中筛选STAC3,并在诊断出患有MBS或先天性面部弱障碍的50人中。我们没有识别Stac3中的任何罕见的编码变体。在患有面部和广义的弱点,正常或温和异常的外床间运动,低胰腺,腭裂和脊柱侧凸的患者中应考虑NAM,特别是如果有MH的历史。



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