首页> 外文期刊>American journal of medical genetics, Part A >Factors related to home health‐care transition in trisomy 13

Factors related to home health‐care transition in trisomy 13

机译:与Trisomy 13中的家庭保健过渡有关的因素

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Trisomy 13 (T13) is accompanied by severe complications, and it can be challenging to achieve long‐term survival without aggressive treatment. However, recently, some patients with T13 have been receiving home care. We conducted this study to investigate factors related to home health‐care transition for patients with T13.We studied 28 patients with T13 born between January 2000 and December 2014. We retrospectively compared nine home care transition patients (the home care group) and 19 patients that died during hospitalization (the discharge at death group). The median gestational age of the patients was 36.6 weeks, with a median birth weight of 2,047?g. Currently, three patients (11%) have survived, and 25 (89%) have died. The home care group exhibited a significantly longer gestational age (38.9 vs. 36.3 weeks, p? =?0.039) and significantly larger occipitofrontal circumference Z score (?0.04 vs. ?0.09, p ?=?0.019). Congenital heart defects (CHD) was more frequent in the discharge at death group, with six patients in the home care group and 18 patients in the discharge at death group (67% vs. 95%, p? =?0.047), respectively. Survival time was significantly longer in the home care group than in the discharge at death group (171 vs. 19 days, p? =?0.012). This study has shown that gestational age, occipitofrontal circumference Z score at birth, and the presence of CHD are helpful prognostic factors for determining treatment strategy in patients with T13.
机译:三元构13(T13)伴有严重的并发症,并且在没有激进的治疗的情况下实现长期存活可能是挑战性的。然而,最近,一些T13患者一直在家庭护理。我们进行了该研究,调查T13患者与家庭医疗过渡有关的因素。我们研究了28名T13患者于2000年1月至2014年12月。我们回顾性比较了九个家庭护理过渡患者(家庭护理组)和19名患者在住院期间死亡(死亡组排放)。患者的胎龄中位数为36.6周,中值2,047岁目前,三名患者(11%)幸存下来,25(89%)死亡。家庭护理小组表现出明显更长的孕龄(38.9节,36.3周,p?= 0.039),胃圆周Z分数显着较大(?0.04对0.09,p?= 0.019)。先天性心脏缺损(CHD)在死亡组排放中更频繁,六名患者在家庭护理组和18名患者中分别在死亡组排放(67%vs.95%,p?= 0.047)。家庭护理组的存活时间比死亡组放电在家庭护理群体中显着更长(171 vs.19天,p?= 0.012)。本研究表明,妊娠期妊娠期患者在出生时得分,并且CHD的存在是有助于确定T13患者治疗策略的预后因素。



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